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Elias cuts me off on one side, blocks my escape route so Mattias can lean down, grab me by the ankle and pull me out, squirming and screaming as I go over his lap.

“Don’t. You. Ever. Threaten. Me,” Mattias thunders, his hard hand catching both my cheeks with every single slap.

I shriek and wail, the pain more intense for the shame of knowing I shouldn’t have said what I said. Mattias gives me the spanking he’s been threatening to give me since we met. He whips my ass with his hand, his palm catching my cheeks over and over with hard slaps that make my rear jiggle and burn.

Nothing I say matters now. I squeal apologies, promises not to say anything like that again, but the spanking goes on, a hot painful punishment I have to endure to the bitter end.

“You are just a wild little girl,” Mattias growls. “But there are worse things than even you can imagine in this world. Killing one man does not change your position. It does not frighten us. It does not. You are my charge, little girl. You will do as I say. You will wear what I say you can wear, you will eat when I tell you to eat. You will sleep, bathe, speak, live according to my rules. Understand?”


How can I do anything other than understand with him whipping my bottom so painfully I can’t help drumming my toes against the fine carpet beneath us.

Worse than the pain of the spanking though, is the way I can feel his disappointment in me. I hear it in his voice, and it sinks through me, a heavy guilt.

I don’t know why I respond this way to this man, but it leaves me in tears, sobbing for his forgiveness while he punishes my sore bottom.

“I don’t want any further attitude out of you today,” he says, pausing to palm my incandescent ass. “If you are told to do something, you do it. Without argument, or back talk. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I sob.

“Good girl.” His voice changes. Becomes softer, more forgiving. He rubs my bottom and my back, but he keeps me in place so I can’t bounce up and begin the process of forgetting this humiliation. He keeps it fresh for me, shows me with his actions that I truly am the one who must obey him, not the other way around.

“Okay,” he says at last. “Time to go see your masters.”

I sniffle as he lets me up. I don’t want them to see me like this, feeling so small, my face stained with tears, my bottom bright red and stinging. But I have no choice. Mattias and Elias each take a hand of mine and lead me out of the private rooms we have been staying in, to another place where I will have my naked audience with the men who own me.

Tags: Loki Renard Erotic