Page 56 of Tainted Wings

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“When I’m like what?” I ask, looking up at him with a nervous laugh.

“A badass bitch,” he grins.

ISURE DIDN’T FEELlike a badass when we got inside the building. Just like I knew it would happen, everyone started staring at me. Some called me a freak under their breath, others looked terrified of me, running the way they came as soon as they saw me. I hate it. I’m not a bad person, I’d never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it. Even then, I’d rather not if I can avoid it.

“Alright, partner up with the person next to you,” my culinary teacher tells the class. This is my last class before an early dismissal. And it’s one I normally don’t mind because it’s a very independent class. But not today, I guess.

I look to my right, because there's no one on my other side since I’m seated next to the wall, but I don’t see anyone. I let out a little sigh of relief, thinking I won't have to be partnered with anyone. This is one of the few classes I don’t share with Leo.

He had the chance to pick this class or the weight room. He was going to pick cooking even though he hates it. But I told him not to because it was the only time he could work out without having to worry about the others picking on him if he went to work out after hours.

I know he can take care of himself, but any chance to avoid petty drama, the better.

“Sorry I’m late, Mr. Tanner.”

Looking over, I see Noah walk through the door.What the hell is he doing in this class?I know specialty classes allow any year level, but Noah isn’t a part of this class.

Well... at least he wasn’t.

“Noah! How wonderful to have you,” she says, taking the paper from his hand. “Take an empty seat and meet your new partner for the assignment I’m about to give out.”

He nods and looks around the room. I do the same, noting that there seems to be no other available seats except for the one next to me, and I start to sweat.Fuck.Just what I need.

“Well, Hellfire. Looks like it’s my lucky day,” he says as he takes the seat next to me.

“I’m not sure what your definition of lucky is, but I wouldn’t call it this,” I mutter to myself.

“What was that?” he asks, but I say nothing as the teacher starts to speak again.

“Alright. Now that you have your new partners, I’ll tell you what you will be doing. I want you to make a main dish and desert from the country of your choice. Then I want you to bring it in, sharing with the class what it is you’ve made and where it’s from along with writing a short essay.”

“Alright, any place in mind?” Noah asks, turning his blue eyes to mine. I’m caught off guard. No mean remarks, no look of hate or disgust. He just sits there with a patient look, waiting for me to answer.

“Ummm...” I blink, unable to answer. He looks good today. My eyes roam over his milk chocolate skin stopping at his full lips.I wonder what his kiss would taste like.

“Abby,” he says again, and I shake my head, looking away as I clear my throat.

“How about Canada?” I say the first country that pops in my head.

“Canada... okay, yeah sure. I’ll pick the dessert and you can pick the meal.”

“Poutine,” I blurt. He looks at me, raising a brow.

“I’m sorry, what did you just call me?”

I laugh and shake my head. “Poutine. It’s one of my favorite meals, and it’s Canadian.”

“Oh,” he says and nods. “What’s it made of?”

“Fries, gravy, and cheese,” I tell him. “I know it’s not super exciting, but it tastes amazing, and we can make homemade fries to go with it.”

“I’ve seen the little stand in the food court, but I’ve never tried it.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing. It’s like an orgasm in your mouth,” I say without thinking.

“Oh really?” he chuckles. “Alright, sold.”

We don’t talk for the rest of the class. I keep stealing glances at him, unable to help myself as he uses his iPad to search for our dessert.

Tags: Alisha Williams Paranormal