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“I do,” Conary replies. “He was chosen by his predecessor.”

“Who was that?”

“You ask a lot of questions, human.”

“I am curious. If I’m stuck here—which it seems like I am—I’d like to know the history.”

“Very well.” He sighs. “The family was overthrown by a much stronger fae. He mated their daughter, and after his death, she took the throne. Recently, she decided she’d much rather retire to your world, so she chose Taranus as her successor.”

A twisted tale compared to the one I’ve heard.I don’t speak that aloud, though, as doing so would likely put a target on more backs than mine. “That was kind of her.”

“He was her only choice.”

“Is that why she warded the Veil? So no one could leave if they didn’t agree with him?”

His savage grin is bone-chilling. “That, my dear, is a story for another morning walk, I’m afraid.”


“I’ve duties to tend to, though I would much rather continue reveling in your company.” Reaching out, he grabs my free hand then bows down and presses his lips to it. My skin crawls near the point of contact, sending prickles of awareness running up my spine.Is he trying to seduce me?“Perhaps we can have coffee again tomorrow morning? Given that we are both early-risers.”

“Sure,” I somehow manage despite the bile in my throat. “That sounds nice.”

“Splendid. Do you need to be escorted to your room?”

“No, thanks.” Turning on my heel, I head back toward the house.


I stop and close my eyes tightly before opening them and turning back to him, wearing a fake smile on my face. “Yes?”

Conary holds out his mug. “If you’re headed to the kitchen, would you mind taking my mug, as well? Saves me a trip.”

“Not at all.” I start toward him and pluck the mug from his hand.

“You will make a beautiful queen,” he says, quietly.

I’m grateful my skin doesn’t turn green from the disgust churning my insides. “Thanks. Have a day as pleasurable as sharing your company has been.”As in, I hope you fuck right off.

“What a kind notion. Same to you, Ember.” He rolls the ‘r,’ and it’s all I can do to not roll my eyes.

Quickly, I turn and head back into the kitchen, moving as fast as I can without arousing suspicion. The moment I’m inside, though, I lean back against the door and suck in a few steadying breaths. My legs begin to feel more solidified now that I feel safer, but the unease in my belly—that remains.

“Are you all right, love?”

I open my eyes at the soft, feminine voice. All three of the women are staring at me, so I nod quickly. “He makes me—”

“Uneasy?” The blonde questions.

“That’s one word for it.”

“Try not to be alone with him,” Bonny warns, her tone low. “Conary has a taste for all women, and he cares not if you feel the same.”

I’d suspected it, but to hear her say it— “He’s—”

“Yes, and we cannot be speaking of these things!” The third woman, who never gave me her name, scolds.

“Just be wary is all I’m saying,” Bonny retorts. “I can take those.”

Tags: Jessica Wayne Fae War Chronicles Fantasy