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I haven’t known them very long, but the amount of love in this kitchen is warmer than numerous suns. I find it’s cathartic with my dark past and reminds me that life can change on a dime. In my darkness, I’m accumulating these incredible moments of light.

“Yes, I will,” Francesca smiles as Sal kisses her properly on her perfect lips to seal the deal.

“Great, because I need you to pick out your ring.” Sal chuckles and we all laugh.

She smiles and nods, “Smart man, so pragmatic, I love that about you,” she gives him another lingering kiss.

We we’ve finished with the congratulations, we all pitch in to clean the kitchen, and just as we gather in the living room talking about Luciano and happier times, I get a phone call. I don’t want to talk to my grandfather now. I want to enjoy this moment and get Valentina home and install more safety protocols.

“Answer, it might be important,” Valentina urges me.

“You do have a way about you, you are the only person who gets to tell me to do anything.” I’m smiling when I say it.

I answer the phone and the room falls silent.

I listen, say thank you and hang up. I take a deep breath and let out a sigh.

“What, Massimo?” Valentina asks.

“Gabriella crossed the border and she’s in Belarus.”

“Russia,” Francesca says.

“In winter? Is she crazy?” Giovi asks and I understand it’s more of a rhetorical question.

“That’s below freezing temperatures now,” I note.

I look at Sal, Micro, and Francesca. “I guess we can wait till March, we’ll need time to prepare. This is a huge undertaking and I’m so happy we will have a stockpile of toys for every occasion,” I flash my cocky grin.

“Um, do we know anything about this situation? I just got you back,” Valentina softly speak into my ear.

“Oh, you’ve got nothing to worry about my little bluebird, we’re getting married before I finish this.” I kiss her in front of her entire family.

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Tags: Zoe Beth Geller Micheli Mafia Romance