Page 92 of Broken Like You

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"Um…a handful of guys, I think. James, Randy, Doug, Jared… I can't remember the rest. Oh, wait, Steve, too."

Claire glances up at me, a silent confirmation of our plan.

We walk up the steps and join the crowd, funneling around people and making our way further into the packed structure.

“Do you want a drink?” Cora yells as she separates from us and heads toward what I assume is the kitchen.

“I’m good,” Claire calls out to her.

I pull a flask out of my jacket pocket and spin off the top. I hold it out to Claire first.

She takes it gratefully and swallows a big swig.

“Easy, killer,” I tease her. I drink some and tuck the thing back in its spot.

A girl with jet black hair approaches and waves at Claire. She either has a serious case of resting bitch face or she’s pissed off about something.

“Hey.” Claire motions to me. “June, Johnny—Johnny, June.”

June lifts her chin to acknowledge me.

I lean in close to Claire and whisper into her ear. “I’m going to do a quick sweep. You good?”

“Yep. I’ll keep an eye out, too. We’re going to go find Cora.”

I kiss her gently on the lips and watch as she tows June in the direction Cora disappeared. A tether to my soul tugs with each step she takes.

I rake my hand through my hair and focus on the reason why we came here—to gain information on who took the package. I weave my way through a group of girls gathered by the entrance to the living room area.

There’s a DJ in the far corner. Or rather, a guy set up at a table with his laptop open and big chunky headphones on. Music blares and he dances along while pushing buttons on the computer.

I scan the crowd, looking for any familiar faces, or sneakers.

My heart nearly skips when I spot the black stripes, only to find them attached to some barely five-foot girl. I should have expected more than one person at the university to wear such a popular style. I accidentally make eye contact with her and she blushes, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Shit. I didn't mean to make it seem like I was checking her out. Although, the whole scanning of her body with my stare probably gave her the completely wrong idea.

I pivot and make my way further through the house, going into a dining area where people are crowded around an intense game of beer pong. Both sides only have one cup left. The group around the table cheers loudly when the final ball lands and the winners throw their fists in the air and jump on each other.

That’s when I notice him, Jared.

Unfortunately, he spots me at the same time.

“Dude, did youseethat?” Jared rushes over and clamps onto my shoulders. “Johnny, you’ve got to play with me. My partner is bowing out and I need a new one.”

“I, uh…” have no fucking idea what to say.Hey, I was looking for you but didn’t expect you to invite me to a game of pong?

“Come on, man.” Jared drags me over to the table with his arm thrown around my shoulder. “Us bros have got to stick together.” He yanks me in closer. “If you know what I mean.”

I take a breath. His words could be interpreted a few different ways, but the only thing I can think of is that another round would mean that he’s preoccupied, giving Claire enough time to scope out his room.

“Yeah, why not.”

“Ayyyy!” Jared cheers. He turns to the crowd and asks for a challenger.

I slide my phone out of my pocket and send her a quick text.

Me:Beer pong table. You have fifteen. Go.

Tags: Luna Pierce Romance