Page 220 of Broken Like You

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“I did, didn’t I?” Josey chuckles. “Thanks, by the way, for saving my ass when it happened.”

“Of course, man.”

Josey sighs and leans back. “I never did care for him. Guy was always a dick.”

“You’re telling me,” I laugh.

His tone shifts to serious again. “Franklin. Dead. Never thought I’d see the day. I’m relieved. Honestly.” Josey lifts his shoulder. “A little terrified of what’s to come, though.”

I flit my gaze across the room at Miller, recalling what he had said about what would happen now that Franklin is gone, and Luciano is in limbo. Hearing it from Josey makes it that much more real.

Solving my one problem may have created a fuckload of others.

And that alone makes me feel guilty as hell.

What if Luciano doesn’t make it out of this? What will that mean for his organization and for everyone that works for him? Will they be overthrown by Franklin’s minions? Who will take over for either of them? Franklin had a wife; she was there when I petitioned to take Billy’s place, and she was the only reason Franklin decided to take me on. Will she take on his responsibilities? And if she does, what will she think when she finds out I was the reason why her husband was killed? What will happen to Josey? Will he go home, or will he stay here? Why was he ever involved with Franklin to begin with?

“Josey,” I say when the question strikes me. “The fuck were you doing working for Franklin anyway?”

Josey leans forward and exhales. “It’s a long, very fucked-up story. Family obligations and shit. Ended up biting off more than I could chew, kind of got stuck there with him. But…” Josey rakes his hand across his beard. “Now that my Gram is on her deathbed, it kind of changes things.”

Grandma? Oh right, he mentioned that’s why he was out here. Does that mean…?

Josey shakes his head. “On my dad’s side, not my mom’s. By the way, my mom was your aunt, if you’re wondering how we’re cousins. Franklin, Luciano, and Cecilia were siblings.”

His use of the words ‘was’and ‘were’come through loud and clear. Past tense.

Josey must notice the way my expression changes because he continues. “Now it’s just Luciano.”

If he manages to live past the gunshot wound to his chest.

Miller stands from his spot and comes over. “Sorry to interrupt, but Josey, if you have a minute?”

Josey stays in place. “Yeah, sure, man, what’s up?”

Miller glances over at me and Claire and then at Josey.

“They’re family, anything you have to say to me, you can say it to them.” Josey slaps me on the shoulder and winks.

“Very well.” Miller clears his throat. “Who’s left in charge on the West Coast?”

Josey scratches his temple. “Dominic, probably.”

“Who’s directly under Dominic?”

“Um…let me think. Cohen, Magnus, possibly Simon.”

“Do you know if Franklin delayed any shipments while he was away, or if he carried on with business as usual?” Miller takes notes on his phone.

“He was dealing with some shit from up north. I overheard it before I left. Not sure if he squared it away or not. I can’t imagine he would have slowed down for this. He probably thought he’d be in and out in a few days.”

“Think you could give me a list of his known suppliers?” Miller stares at Josey.

It’s such a strange sight. The two of them couldn’t be any more different. Josey clearly has over ten years on him, plus at least eighty pounds. Josey is a large man, big-ass muscles, intimidating as hell. And there’s Miller, this freckle-faced kid who doesn’t look like he should be running numbers or making the arrangements for a café, let alone a criminal underground. Miller has basically taken over Luciano’s operation since he’s been incapacitated, and if Luciano makes it out of this alive, I’m going to suggest that he give Miller a raise. I don’t know what this kid makes, but it’s probably not enough for the work he’s done. And if anything, I could stand to learn a thing or two from him, especially if I’m going to be living in this kind of world permanently.

“What can I do to help?” I ask him.

At this, he seems stunned. “You want to help?”

Tags: Luna Pierce Romance