Page 189 of Broken Like You

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Something doesn’t feel right. Something deep within my gut.

Claire and I never fight. Even with everything we’ve been through, we’ve never taken time from each other. Maybe a walk to the other room, but not like this. In the beginning, before we were a couple, we avoided each other like the plague, but there was always the undeniable pull to be near each other. It’s what eventually drew us together.

I could just be being paranoid, given everything else going on. But what if I’m not?

She asked me for space, I should give that to her.

I pull my phone from my pocket. If I can just see where she is, that little red dot, and know that she’s safe, I’ll continue to respect her wishes. I unlock the screen and click over to her contact, impatiently waiting for the circle to zoom in and show me her whereabouts.

It’s nearly next to my own dot.

She’s home?

I rush to the front door, peering outside for her. My heart pounds wildly, like I’ll be seeing her for the first time ever. Everything in me is aching to be beside her, to drag her into me and tell her how sorry I am. To confess everything.

But she doesn’t appear. I glance down at the screen again, frantically hoping her dot gets closer to mine. It doesn’t move.

I let the door shut behind me as I make my way toward her. I rush along the hallway, down the stairs and into the large foyer of our building. I take another look at my phone and continue my approach to the red circle. I pop outside, startled to find myself standing in front of the car I bought for Claire.

Was she so upset with me that she’s hanging out in there instead of coming upstairs?

I peer through the windows, no Claire in sight. Opening the door, my stomach drops upon settling my sights on the corner of her phone case peeking out from under my jacket she had been wearing. I reach forward and grip it in my hand. Everything is in its place—her ID, debit card, cash. If it’s here, where is Claire?

Panic completely consumes me. The only way I could keep tabs on her was her phone’s location service. Now, she could be anywhere. And that thought alone spikes a fear in me I’ve never known.

“Claire,” her name is a whisper on my lips.

I punch in her passcode and dial the one person I’m praying she’s with.

“What’s up, bitch?” Rosie answers.

“Rose, is Claire with you?” I can barely hide the alarm in my voice.

Her tone immediately changes. “JJ? No, she’s not here. Is everything okay?”

“Call me if you hear from her.” I hang up the phone, not wanting to waste another second.

Claire isn’t with her best friend. She’s not with me. Where could she be?

If she didn’t go to Rosie, she sure as shit didn’t go to Pax’s or Holland’s. And without her phone or any money, she couldn’t have gotten too far.

The café,something inside me shouts.

She loves their coffee; maybe that’s where she went to clear her thoughts before coming home.

I slam the door to the car shut and take off on foot. With all of the one-way streets and potholes, it’ll be quicker if I make a beeline there, plus I can get a better look without being distracted by driving. I sprint straight there, taking the shortest route and peering down every single alley on the way. Each step closer, my soul pleads with the universe that she’s okay. That she’s sitting in the corner booth sipping a cup of cinnamon java, thinking of how mad she is at me. Because I’d have Claire pissed at me any day over the alternatives threatening to ruin me.

I can beg for her forgiveness, but I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to her.

I grip the café’s door and swing it open, rushing inside, frantically looking around, my eyes scanning every single patron.

The tired kid with the beanie stares at me. “Can I help you?”

“Claire, the girl I was in here with earlier.” I rush over to him. “Have you seen her?”

Tags: Luna Pierce Romance