Page 177 of Broken Like You

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“And a lot of cream and sugar.” Rosie plops herself into her seat.

“Two cups? Or is your man joining you?”

“Just us,” I tell him.

He nods and disappears behind the counter to fetch our drinks.

Rosie’s eyes go wide, and she lowers herself toward me. “Oh, my, God,” she whisper-shouts. “He’sgorgeous.”

I tilt my head at her. “Seriously?” I flit my gaze in Luciano’s direction then back at her. “Cut it out. You’re like half his age, and it’s J’s freakingdad.” I make sure to be extra quiet on that last part.

“Oh hush, I’m not going to do anything about it.” Rosie folds her arms. “You were right though. It’s a bit eerie.”

I lean against my seat. “Right?”

A waitress brings our cups over and fills them, leaving and returning a moment later with Rosie’s cream. “Are you ready to order?”

I shake my head. “I’m good with coffee.” I promised Johnny I’d bring home dinner.

“Me too,” Rosie adds.

I run my hands through my hair, scratching my scalp and tossing the long brown locks aside. “This is insane.”

“Yeah, it really is.”

I bring the cup to my lips, savoring the full, untainted flavor of the roast. Bold, a bit smoky, with a hint of something rich, maybe chocolate. It’s damn good, to say the very least.

Rosie pours entirely too much cream into her mug and showers it with an ungodly amount of sugar. “What are you going to do?”

I only now remember that I forgot to ask for cinnamon. I take another drink anyway. “I’ll be right back.” Before I can overthink it, I slither out of the booth and through the front door without drawing the attention of anyone other than Rosie.

Once outside, I cautiously glance around and then sneak into that same alley as last night. I tiptoe quietly along the side of the building, careful not to make a sound. A bright light shines from the back, a few muted voices floating around. I strain to make them out to no success. I get a little closer, and then a little more.

I inch further and further until there’s barely any shadow left to hide in. My heart races but more with exhilaration than fear. I shouldn’t be here; I shouldn’t be so foolish, but I have to find out more about this mystery man. I don’t want to keep this secret from Johnny any longer than I have to, and I refuse to come forward without more information.

I press my side into the brick and brace myself with my hand to lean a bit more.

“Twelve shipments, East End,” one of the people says.

“Should have been fifteen,” the other corrects.

A long sigh. Some shuffling. The sound of a door closing, then silence.

I hold my breath, waiting for the voices to return. For something other than the very generic bits and pieces I’ve already heard. It’s not enough to go on. Those deliveries could have easily been related to the café, not an illicit activity.

I blink and in a flash, my body is flipped against the wall, a hand wrapped around my throat, pressing tightly and pinning me in place.

Attached to it is the man in question, towering over me with a fierce glare. “Who are you working for?”

My mouth drops open, but words don’t come out. I’m too stunned by the intensity of the situation. Still, this doesn’t confirm whether or not he’s involved with something illegal. Maybe he’s just an incredibly protective coffee shop owner.

He tightens his grip. “Don’t make me ask again, who are you and Theo working for?”

I narrow my gaze at him and attempt to shake my head. “No one.” I clench my own hands around his forearm to try to pry him away.

“I don’t believe you.” Luciano clenches his jaw. “Out of nowhere, you two show up at my place four times, poking your noses around where you shouldn’t be.”

Four? I’ve only been here three, unless…unless Johnny came here without me?

Tags: Luna Pierce Romance