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Fresh air flows through my hair and cools the subtle tenderness of my throat as I lean back in Victor’s chrome Bentley convertible. My mind continues to delve into my parents' love story—it was one hell of a ride.

Earlier today, when the stranger had appeared, I’d read a quick line that Momma’s first date was with Charles, not Dad.

Friggen plot twist.

Apparently, Dad hadn’t thought she was truly interested and was only being polite when he asked her out after she attended the conference.

Charles took her to dinner. He was polite and not cocky like one would expect of him with his fine looks and expensive clothing.

I felt a bit uneasy as I suffered through her declining his kiss and asking for Dad’s address.

Momma went andgother reserved, quite-natured man. I skipped more than a few pages after that, as Momma’s descriptive ass really should’ve written for Harlequin. It seemed her diary held the most minute detail of the most important days of her life. I could almost feel the warmth against my eyelids when she wrote about waking up on the balcony the next morning with Jonah after kissing all night long.

“How are you feeling?” Victor smiles over at me as I allow my hand to float out and catch the wind.

“Good,” I reply, closing the diary. “I told you my father passed Momma off on friggen Charles for their first date. She was getting ready, and here Charles was at the door.”

“Jonah thought she was attracted to him more, yeah?”

“My dad was insufferable. Still is. And awkward. In—”


“How did you . . .”

“We discussed this, Little One.” His hand seeks out mine, and all the tension drains from my body. “He’sCharlesnow?”

Victor’s tone lacks the usual venom, yet the invitation is there, allowing me to paint Charles as the villain. “Uncle Red was a gentleman on their date. Anyway, I wouldn’t exist if my momma hadn’t coerced the truth out of him, then went to go get her man.”

The side of his mouth corks. “I imagined she said something cheeky, like you.”

A whole lot of cheeky and freaky too.“So far, they’ve gone on a few dates that she penned in her journal. He was a gentleman too when she introduced him to family. She seemed to be the calmness when Dad got frustrated while working on his latest invention.”

As we continue to discuss, a glint in Victor’s eye reminds me of his statement at Uncle Red’s. He’s waiting for me to update him on Charles and Momma’s relationship. As I look across the vast countryside, I let out a shuddered sigh.God, were my parents happy?

I’ve favored one ass cheek then the other, trying not to complain about the lengthy drive when I see a quaint wooden sign.

“Arlington?” My eyebrows crinkle. None of this appears familiar. Buildings built with stone, some restored, while others crumble where they’re standing. Iron stakes attest to them being centuries old.

We drive through. The architecture and landscape are reminiscent of historical college campuses back home—well, obviously much, much older.

I peer around, glancing at an auditorium that saysArlingtontoo. “Vic . . . where are we?”

“My duchy.”

Though my ass is screaming to stand, to kick Victor in his rear, I turn in my seat and inquire, “What do you mean? Weren't we in Arlington this entire time?”

“No. We were in my hometown, Somerhaven.”

“Somerhaven?” Irrational laughter teeters out of me. The dark stranger who kissed me looked at me as if I had lost every inch of my mind as I threatened him with the Duke of Arlington.

“Victor, what do you mean? How’re we just now arriving in Arlington? And how is that different from your hometown? Didn't you inherit when your evil, old father died?”Oops, he never said his daddio was an asshole. I presumed it.

“No, Luxury, I was gifted my dukedom.”

“Okay. Let's start from the friggen top. Do you recall way back when, when we had just met? You’re so fucking intense, it feels like it’syears,but I assure you, it was recent. I let you know thatyoudidn't know how to answer a question?”

“Yes.” Victor glances at me with a smile that can smolder my anger.Lawd, just let me get my point across. Then I can sit on that happy ass face.

Tags: Amarie Avant Duke of Tudor Romance