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Chapter Twenty



Letty’s breathless voice hits me like a tidal wave. I can’t help myself. I have to stop by her house the next morning to see for myself that she’s alright. And just like that, her big blue eyes pull me in like a fucking magnet. I’m powerless to do anything about it, which pisses me off.

Well, if I’m being honest, it scares me a little too. Like when she says, “Good morning,” after I knock.

Yeah, it’s morning. Bright and early Monday morning, to be exact.

“Mornin’, babe,” I growl back at her, angry at myself for being so damn happy to see her and relieved to see she’s all right.

Her smile dims a bit, and she steps back, giving me an eyeful of smooth, creamy flesh underneath shorty silk purple pajamas. The set is just as prim and proper as the woman but no less tantalizing.

“If you’re so grumpy about being here, you don’t have to be. You weren’t invited, you know.”

I smile. “You’re getting tougher.”

At my compliment, she stands a little taller, and the corners of her mouth twitch until a proud smile forms.

“Thanks. You’re still a grouch, though.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s fucking early, babe.”

It’s not even eight o’clock yet, and I’m not only awake but showered, dressed and not at home. “Haven’t had coffee yet.”

She nods and takes another step back from the front door. “Come on in and sit down. I just put a pot on.”

I follow her inside to the kitchen, my eyes taking in every inch of her legs, ever dip of muscle, every freckle and the tiny white scar behind her left knee.

“What brings you by so early?” she asks as she pours two big mugs of coffee.

I look around with a frown, expecting to see a busy house on a Monday morning. “Where’s your mom and dad?”

She smiles and shoves one of the mugs in my direction. “On their way to New York. Dad has business there, and he asked her to tag along for a little romance.”

“You’re alone?” Of all the weeks for Letty to be on her own, this is a bad one.

“I’ve been home alone before. Lots of times. I’m also a grown woman, in case you haven’t noticed.”

I glare at her. “Believe me, I’ve noticed.” I smile when her cheeks turn a bright shade of pink.

“If you’re hungry, I’m about to put a breakfast casserole in the oven. While we wait, you can tell me why you’re really here.”

I arch a brow at her tone. “What’s the matter Letty? Aren’t you happy to see me?”

She flashes a knowing grin and shakes a finger in my direction. “That’s not an answer.”

“Would you believe me if I said I came over to see if you slept naked?”

She shakes her head. “I’d say that was your secondary reason for coming over, and you can already see the answer for yourself.” She motioned to the purple silk. “I’m curious about the primary reason.”

“I’m here to make sure you don’t act like your stubborn self.”

Letty sets her mug on the table and folds her arms, fixing me with an intimidating stare. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you’re up, and the coffee is brewing. I bet if I go up to your bedroom, I’ll find work clothes ready for the day.” She bites her bottom lip, and her blue gaze refuses to meet mine. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, and that’s why I’m here, to make sure you don’t go to work today.”

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Souls MC Dark