Page 64 of Fang to Rights

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Henry had never run so fast. He was like a liquid shadow flowing through the wave of the oncoming night. His dark coat was made of the same ilk as the growing murk, his body moving like something ethereal and otherworldly.

He didn’t just feel like a shifter tonight. He felt like something else. Even the power of the alpha that ran through him was nothing compared to this.

It was like becoming one with darkness itself.

Even though he was afraid for Olivia and furious with Philodendron, his heart soared with joy. This new unity between him and his animal was because he was with his true mate, finally. There was no doubt in him that they would be together forever.

He headed straight for the studio, even though it was truly dark now, and it had been several hours since he’d left her there. He knew immediately the place was empty and turned to run deeper into the city to check her apartment.

Once he got to the building, he had some trouble getting in. He couldn’t just stroll in naked, nor could he walk through the main doors as a giant panther. Climbing several fire escape stairs, he managed to find her windows and confirm she wasn’t there.

He growled with frustration as he headed back to the street. He was starting to get really worried now. There was the faintest hint of her scent on the wind, and he followed it without thinking. After a couple of blocks, he realized where he was going.


He began to run again, only checking for his mate’s scent every now and then to confirm he was on the right track. When he got there, he found Olivia’s car parked nearby, and he knew she had to be there.

I hope they are just sitting in there eating snacks and watching movies!

He didn’t even care if he charged in there naked and shocked both women into falling off their chairs, just so long as they were okay.

He used the fire escape again, finding one of Maureen’s windows open just enough for him to slide it up and sneak in. Olivia’s mother was peacefully asleep in her chair, completely unharmed. Curiously, he stalked around the apartment. Olivia’s scent was thick in here, and it was difficult, at first, to figure out where she had gone.

Finally, he caught the faintest tendril of her perfume coming from the window. He headed back out to the fire escape and leapt up the platforms all the way to the roof.

Henry clawed his way over the concrete edge of the gutter, eyes searching the shadows for his enemy or his lover. When he saw Philodendron in the corner, standing over Olivia with a butcher knife in his hand, he roared with fury.

“Henry!” Olivia screamed. Philodendron whipped around, dropping the knife.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Phil screamed. He charged Henry, shifting into his tiger shape to run at him. Henry sprang, and the two of them smashed into each other in midair.

They fell in a tangled heap. Henry was tired and sore, the long run back to the city still taking its toll on him. In the few seconds it took him to get up, Philodendron was on him, snarling and snapping at his face.

Henry struggled on his back, trying to push the tiger off. As Phil roared and dove for his throat, Henry managed to slip out from under him and tear a huge gash along his ribs.

Philodendron cried out, staggering away. The two circled each other, Phil’s eyes wide, white rimmed, and crazed, while Henry’s were calm and focused.

They sprang at each other again. This time Henry ducked at the last second, twisting to grab Philodendron’s leg in his jaws. He clamped his teeth shut and shook as hard as he could. The tiger howled and wriggled away, dragging his injured leg.

Henry had been trying to break it, but he could tell from the way Phil moved that the leg was torn open, not shattered. The tiger had plenty of fight in him yet.

Henry knew he had to finish this, and soon. He was tired and sore, while Phil was fresh and well rested. As they circled each other, Philodendron kept diving at Henry, making him jump away. Henry knew these moves were designed to weaken him.

It’s only a matter of time until he opens my throat.

Henry stopped and glared at Phil. He let his hatred build. As Philodendron gave him a triumphant glance, Henry grinned.

“Your art was never good enough for Olivia or for me. Hell, it wasn’t even good enough for a kindergarten art show.”

Henry’s voice came out as a growl through his cat throat, but it was clear that Philodendron understood him. Henry saw the tiger shudder from his ears right through to his tail.

Then he let out a horrible, piercing scream. Henry braced himself.

Philodendron leapt at him. Henry leaned back on his haunches as if he intended to meet him in midair but flattened himself to the floor at the last second.

Phil went sailing over his head and straight over the edge of the roof. Henry hurried over to watch him fall, wincing as the big tiger hit the street several floors below.

I guess some cats don’t land on their feet.

Tags: Milly Taiden Paranormal