Page 30 of Fang to Rights

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When he woke the next morning, the thought of Olivia was so strong it was almost as if she was right there with him. He didn’t know if he had dreamed about her, but it was as if her lips were on his, and her dizzying scent was all around him.

He rolled over in bed, enjoying the warmth between the sheets. The sun slanting through the window was pale, not long risen. The excitement began to rise in him, and he let it build.

I’m going to see her today.

His heart beat a bit faster, and his hands tingled. He couldn’t deny the joy she had brought him. Deep down, all the protests he could make about this relationship were utterly useless. He was in love with her, and nothing could change that.

Henry sat up slowly, looking around his big, empty room. He had never really been lonely and had always enjoyed his own company. As much as he knew he was powerless to fight his feelings, he also worried about disrupting his life. Henry was extremely comfortable with the way things were, and so far, all Olivia had done was turn his life upside down.

Henry smiled as he swung his feet over the edge of the bed. The slow burn of anticipation rising inside him would not be denied. He couldn’t wait to see her. Already, her bright red hair and deep blue eyes were dancing in his mind, making his body throb for her in all the right places.

He tilted his head back and sighed, feeling the tension in his body as delicious torture. The panther inside growled, swishing its tail.

Claim her.

He wanted to. The idea of her getting away, potentially being with another man, was intolerable. Henry took a deep breath and held it, reminding himself that he asked her out on today’s date for exactly this reason … because he wanted to make her his.

Yawning, he reached for his phone. As it woke, he saw Olivia’s name on the screen, and his heart did a little bounce. After their long, heartfelt conversation last night, she must have sent him a text. He opened it eagerly.

And almost dropped his phone.

Instead of the device clattering to the floor from his loose fingers, his hand tightened as if he were holding Olivia, not just her likeness. Henry was frozen in shock because Olivia had sent him a pic … a very sexy pic.

He couldn’t believe that she had just snapped this casually laying in bed after talking to him. Her skin was flawless, glowing white. Her eyes looked even deeper blue than usual, echoes of the darkest parts of the ocean. Her full, red lips were curved in a mischievous, knowing smile.

He let his eyes sink slowly down. He hesitated, almost as if he might offend her, but he couldn’t fight the urge to look at her breasts.

His heart thudded hard against his breastbone as he let his eyes trail over her gorgeous cleavage. The lace edges of the nightgown framed her breasts, the black fabric a sharp contrast to her very pale skin.

He stared for a few minutes more. His mouth watered a little.

What an awesome woman.

His heart beat even faster, and he took another deep breath, letting it out slowly. He was so excited that he could barely move. Henry’s craving for her increased sharply. He was amazed she would do something like this for him and thrilled that she had a freaky side.

I wonder what other freaky things she’s hiding.

He texted her quickly, telling her to dress for an outside date. He stumbled around his bedroom in his haste to get ready, cursing as he tripped over his own furniture.

Henry laughed at himself as he chose a shirt. Not so long ago, he’d been thinking about how to fit Olivia into his life. Now he was ready to shove aside his own needs just to be with her.

He dressed casually, jeans and a T-shirt with a light but finely cut jacket. Today was going to be about fun, not image.

The thought of his father crept into his mind along with the uncomfortable memories of the dinner last night. He could imagine what his dad would say about this date and about Olivia too.

I don’t need him or his approval!

Henry strode through the house, heading into the driveway to take his frustration out on his car. He turned his thoughts back to the day he had planned, determined not to think about his father.

As he arrived at Olivia’s, his excitement rose. He walked to the door, and she opened it just as he raised his hand to knock.

She was dressed in a casual blue T-shirt and dark blue jeans. Her thick, red hair was pulled up in a ponytail, making her look young and girlish. He was so stunned by the sight of her that all he could do was stare.

“Morning,” Olivia said a little shyly.

Tags: Milly Taiden Paranormal