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“I think it’s just time to move on,” Jia states, and Rachel nods.

“Well, she seems nice right? if I love him, then I should be happy that he’s with someone nice.” She looks to me as if for strength and I freeze because she’s shocked me again.

She’s never said she loved him. Not out loud, alth

ough it wasn’t exactly hard to guess.

“Yes,” I answer. It seems like the best thing to say because what else is there? Dante’s getting married. We just saw his fiancée and while she didn’t look all that thrilled to meet Rachel it doesn’t mean she and Dante aren’t meant to be with each other. Honestly, I might not be too thrilled either if my fiancé was holding Rachel the way Dante was, no matter the innocence in it. The woman looked like she just stepped off the runway, but Rachel looks like she could be walking right next to her on it. It was the threat of another beautiful woman why Maria looked the way she did.

“I’m sorry, Rachel,” I add and she nods. The light comes back into her eyes.

“It’s okay.” She smiles, but I can see it’s a smile she doesn’t feel. “I’m fine. I was just thrown seeing him. That’s all and meeting her for real. Don’t let me ruin your excitement for later. I think you will be quite surprised and happy with whatever Josh has planned.”

“You think so?” I ask going with the subject shift, although I can see she’s not as okay as she’s saying. I just hope that she’ll talk to me when she needs to.

“Yes, I absolutely do. I think personally we should go shopping for makeup or something to highlight the difference.”

I laugh and decide to humor her, and myself too.

I ended up buying a dress. It’s nothing fancy. Just a little black dress with a lace top that I’m wearing under a beige blazer. It floats about my legs as I walk down the path to the riverside. In my mind, I’m thinking that Josh might have chosen a restaurant. Nerves made me eat more than usual though, so I’m not actually hungry.

I see him just across the way, near the park entrance. He’s not wearing his usual suave clothes that he normally wears when we meet at the club. He’s wearing a leather biker jacket and dark jeans hung low on his hips. This is the first I’ve seen him in casual wear and he looks even better. This matches the bad boy version of him he portrays to the world.

Before him is a whole host of cars where people have gathered.

I didn’t know there was anything going on tonight.

Usually I’m clued up on anything like that.

He sees me and I rush over to him, straight into his arms, my lips to his. I can’t believe this is me.

Me and him kissing under the moonlight. It feels like a different version of us. One that I could easily get lost in forever.

He pulls out of the kiss slowly and catches my face, beaming down at me.

“Woman you’re going to get me in trouble,” he says with a wolfish grin.

“What kind of trouble?”

He looms before me and nibbles on my bottom lip. “Indecent exposure, having sex right here with you dressed like that,” he answers, and I giggle when he reaches down to catch the hem of my dress.

Thank God he doesn’t pull it all the way up like he would if we were at the club. He does look at my panties though and nods.

“Yes, I’m keeping those tonight,” he says, and I laugh.

“Josh, if you take any more of my panties I won’t have any left.” I can’t get over how he is. Every time I change some fragrance about me he takes my underwear; bras and panties. Anything that smells like me. “What will you do then?”

“Like fuck, what the hell kind of question is that? I will just keep you.” He replies like that’s the obvious answer and it makes me wish for it, even though I shouldn’t. I know it’s just a matter of speech.

Him keeping me however is a thought to relish.

“Can I have you Miss. St. John?” he asks enhancing the wild, sexy vision that comes into my mind.

“Yes, you may, Sir,” I tease.

“Jesus… don’t you dare. Tonight is different.”

“So I see. We’re in a park with cars. Is there another sex club nearby?”

Tags: Faith Summers Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies Billionaire Romance