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I’m wearing black this time. A black slip with lace at the edge over the top to accentuate my cleavage. Because I’m supposed to be going to see Josh, I’ve opted not to wear a mask.

It’s a different receptionist this time and when I give his name curiosity comes into her eyes. I know the Tanners are rich, but I didn’t get the impression that Conrad Tanner was into anything this… wild.

His only son on the other hand, yes.

I did the research I should have probably done weeks ago on the senior partners of the firm.

I googled Joshua Tanner’s name and Jesus Christ; he makes the devil look like a patron saint.

The internet had enough gossip and stories to keep the tabloids running on steam with just him and his extracurricular activities. All involved him on some sexual conquest with models, actresses, socialites and other women like that.

The more I read, the more I realized why I knew nothing. It’s because over the last two years–I’d put it down to two years, my life has been very different.

I’ve barely read a magazine.

My father died and my boyfriend who I thought I’d be with forever broke up with me. I think I could be forgiven for not keeping up with the latest playboy billionaire who happens to be my boss.

Like last night, I hand over my coat and keep the little mini purse I had wrapped around my wrist. It still has his coin inside.

I didn’t get another.

I’m led by the guard by the door up to the second floor where we pass one of the cubicles and there’s a man and two women–twins having a threesome.

Again, I find myself looking. It’s shock that makes me look and I wonder how I’d feel if that was me. And with family? I don’t think I would like to be shared or have to share.

We continue to a private bar area that’s on a raised platform. Across from the bar is an elegant sofa that looks as classy as the rest of the club.

“He’ll meet you here,” the man says.

“Thank you,” I answer and he leaves me.

I move over to the balcony and watch the scenery below of the people dancing and having fun. I can’t believe I’m here again tonight. It was so packed last night and it’s probably more full tonight. It’s Wednesday night. Midweek. So this much be the midweek crowd.

What must the Friday and weekend crowd be like? Those days are usually the most busy in a club. From the look below me though, I think it’s like this all the time, even with the hefty price tag. Our ticket last night was a hundred dollars. I got a text earlier in the day from Josh—who now has my number, letting me know that everything had been paid for. I was just to get here and meet him.

I set my purse down on the little table and continue to watch the party people. The music’s just changed to a live mix I don’t recognize but sounds good. It’s fast but sensual and sexy.

Warm hands slide around my waist at that moment.

I look around and see him. Face bent low to my ear, his warm breath tickles my skin like a whisper of desire.

“We haven’t danced yet,” he says and I turn in to face him.

“No… we haven’t,” I say and we start moving together.

Almost immediately that need to lose control sweeps through me, just from his touch and his closeness.

He towers over me, dominant and breathtaking in his white button-down shirt and black pants. His eyes on me. He hasn’t worn a mask either and up here the light and music is brighter so I can see that predatory look in his eyes quite clearly.

I haven’t recovered yet from last night, let alone this morning, and I’m not sure what to expect from tonight.

Rachel was right, though, about a few things.

I never do anything I don’t want to, and I like him.

I think he knows that last part.

Chapter Seven

Tags: Faith Summers Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies Billionaire Romance