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“Just call down if you need anything. The staff have been instructed to continue as normal so lunch will be made soon.”

“Thanks,” I answer. He seems so normal. Like he could never hurt anybody. I recall with perfect clarity though how he administered the electric shock to Sacha without any remorse.

He tips his head and leaves me.

I rest my hands down on the counter top and think of what I can do today to stop me from going crazy with worry. It looks like it’s going to be another day of waiting. Waiting and worrying. Just like I did on the island.

I have that suffocated feeling again and the nausea that takes residence in the pit of my stomach isn’t helping either. I actually feel sick, so sick I get a roll of bread from the freshly made stack on the table and eat it. It helps somewhat, but only a little.

Pulling in a deep breath I grab a glass from the cupboard but the shuffle of footsteps has me looking over my shoulder.

I thought it was Nick coming back, but it’s not. It’s not Nick and the man I see coming into the kitchen has only ever been present recently in my nightmares.

My eyes widen and feel like they’re going to pop as I stare on at the Italian man with the crooked nose.

“You,” I gasp and the glass falls from my hands, smashing on the floor. It shatters at my feet.

I look at him and a smile inches across his face. He’s ten years older, looks older but he has the same look to him. The look of someone who’s been wearing a mask for too long and takes it off to show their true face.

“You remember me,” he notes.

“What are you doing here?” I breathe out. if he’s here then my father can’t be too far. they found me. it means I’ve been found.

“My dear, I wear many faces. This is just one of them. Alfonse, the trusted advisor to the D’Agostino family. So trusted Tristan asked me to keep you safe because I was the only person he could trust with such information. But I’m bound by blood oath. Kruv’ omerta’.”

I gear myself up to run. I make it to the door Nick went through only to crash into Dmitri. My father is standing next to him.

Nick comes running into the kitchen through the other side and Alfonse shoots him right in his chest.

I don’t get the chance to scream.

Dmitri covers my mouth with a cloth with a pungent scent that snuffs away my consciousness.

As my head rolls back I see my father’s cold hard stare. He looks at me with disappointment, anger, rage, death.

Tags: Faith Summers Dark Syndicate Dark