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“I know the feeling.” Zander’s posture remains rigid.

“Why? You think there’s something wrong?”

“Within these walls? Nothing, which is concerning for a cynic such as myself. I struggle to believe that the nymphs have afforded us a haven so grand without plans of exacting a hefty toll.” He hesitates. “I did not want to mention it earlier in case it was only temporary, but my craving for mortal blood is gone.”

“What do you mean, gone?”

“I no longer feel it. Neither does Elisaf nor the others.” His gaze drags over my neck. “I can smell your Ybarisan blood, but it does not stir the same pull as before.”

My heart pounds. “Does that mean the curse has ended?”

“Within Ulysede? Perhaps.”

I smooth my palm across his forearm as a thrill courses through my veins. “This is what we’ve wanted all along, right?” An end to his need for blood.

“It is.” He bites his bottom lip. “But what about Islor? The people out there will still suffer.”

“So, we bring them here. Look at all these houses, waiting to be filled.”

He chuckles. “This city can house thousands, yes. Tens of thousands, even. But it is nowhere near big enough for everyone. Not even close. I fear we have solved our problems, but Islor’s will only worsen. And what kind of king would I be if I abandoned them all to it?”

Not the king he was born to be.

Not the person I love.

But … “What are you saying?” Panic stirs. “You’re not going to leave me here alone, are you?

“You are not alone. You have eighty-nine mortals to rule. That is a nice, small number for a new queen. I believe Jarek would make an exemplary commander and would accept the position.”

“I don’t want any of this if you’re not here.” I’ll leave it all—and the crown—right where I found it.

He reaches out to collect my hand, pressing his lips to the back of it. “I do not wish to, but I must help my people and my realm. If I do not, then I do not deserve to be called king. But the nymphs have given us a gift and we would be foolish to dismiss it so hastily. You must reign here.” His eyes linger on the blood moon crescent. “And I have much to do outside these walls before I can ever hope to enjoy peace within them.”

“You’re right. You can’t just turn your back on your people.” I slink my arms around his waist. “So tonight, we enjoy this moment. Tomorrow, we figure out how to save Islor together.”

Tags: K.A. Tucker Fate & Flame Fantasy