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That’s not too close. “Can you saddle a horse quickly and without notice? In the dark?”

A cocky grin stretches his mouth. “Standing on my head. Why?”

An idea forms, likely a stupid one. “I have to get into Norcaster tonight without the Legion knowing, and I need your help to do it.”

His grin buckles into a wince. “Does the king know?”

I smile sweetly. “He’ll find out soon enough. And Pan? Put on some gloves. You glow in the dark.”

They can’t see me.

I need to get to Norcaster.

A familiar adrenaline fires through me as I hurry across the camp, stealing a peek toward Jarek’s tent. If there’s one legionary whose eyes I won’t be able to pull the proverbial wool over, it’s him.

Thankfully, he’s still preoccupied.

They can’t see me.

I need to get to Norcaster.

Those words play over and over through my mind, my hood pulled over to conceal my face. Another layer of deception, though who knows if any of this will work. Aoife’s ring is secure in my pocket, leaving my caster affinities free for wielding, and my hope clings to Gesine’s claims that I can twist what people see, that I’ve done it many times already without realizing it.

So far, all sentries remain focused outward, into the dark.

Ahead, I can see faint movement beside Eros, the mop of curly brown hair hidden under a dark cloak. The leather saddle is already strapped to the horse’s back. I allow myself a small smile of satisfaction as I move in. Pan keeps surprising me.

He sees me and grins, displaying a thumbs-up.

I press my finger to my lips to remind him and then mount Eros’s back.

Pan climbs up behind me, his slight frame like that of a child as he curls his arms around my waist.

We need to get to Norcaster.

With a deep breath, I guide Eros forward, out of the camp, my pulse thrumming in my ears.

No one stops us.

No one shouts.

No one so much as glances our way.

Gesine was right, after all.

This intense rush, the swell of emotion inside my chest … It was never simply adrenaline—it was my caster affinities protecting me all along.

My confidence soars as we pick up speed. I hold on tight as Eros gallops across the vast expanse of darkness.

Tags: K.A. Tucker Fate & Flame Fantasy