Page 16 of Theirs

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“So, what do you like about watching, Miss Voyeur?” He studies my face as if searching for more to learn about me.

I think for a moment and tap into my inner kink. “I like the way people can be when they’re free. It’s amazing to see what they do when there’s no restraint on them and no one to judge them. What about you? What do you like?”

“Everything. And I probably go to places like this more than I should.” He chuckles. “I think I’m going to be like this forever.”

“What about Knox and Levi?”

“That’s yet to be determined, but I think I might be able to vouch for them.”

“How long have you guys been friends?” I lean against the rails and stare back at him.

“Since birth. We’re all twenty-nine now, so that’s a lot of years.”

“Wow. That is a long time to be friends.” Sadness clogs my throat when I think of Paige, but I regain control of my thoughts so I can focus on the handsome man before me.

“It is.”

“And, have you always had the same tastes in women?”

A light chuckle falls from his lips. I’m sure he knows I’m really asking if they’ve always shared women.

“Yes, we have, but we have rules.”

“Like what?”

“Like I always take the lead.”

I was right again. “Always?”

“Always. I start and I finish.”

“Do you ever do anything with a woman without them?”

“I do. We don’t restrict each other from forming relationships. We get that not every woman is going to like being shared. Neither of us has had any relationship that serious though.”

It’s interesting. I’ve worked here long enough to see a lot of group sex, but I’ve never asked questions like this before. “Have you ever liked the same girl?”

“Many times.”

“What happens then?”

“We do our best to keep her. That’s why I want to book you for the next three weeks.”

My jaw drops. “What? Really?”

“Yes. Three weeks at ten grand a night to secure your company and an extra fifty up front to turn down all other offers. What do you think of that?”

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Three weeks at that kind of money reduces my sentence here to a little under a year and I would be able to pay Bill a quarter million dollars.

Tears of joy sting the backs of my eyes and I have to steady my emotions, so I don’t break down.

Cristiano continues to study me. “I hope that sounds like a reasonable offer.”

“It definitely is.”

“Then say yes to me.”

Tags: Faith Summers Erotic