Page 35 of Manhandled

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“Fuck, yeah, I do. The cell next to sleeping beauty is free,” he replied excitedly. He rushed off and I went to follow him, but not before turning and winking seductively at the bigger brown-haired guy.

“You’re next,” I promised him, biting my lip as I did so. He grunted and stepped from side to side, probably already aroused. Too freaking easy.

I turned back around and followed the scrawny blond one. He led me into the prison, and I took the time to observe my surroundings. The jail was extremely minimalistic, with thick impenetrable walls made of solid steel. It was also exceedingly old school in style, likely to prevent any hacking of the cell doors as well as to stop them from opening if the ship ever experienced a complete loss of power.

To get into each cell, I’d need a key.

I turned back to Scrawny and saw a ring of five of them in his hand. He must have had them in his pocket before.

I grinned.

Too fucking easy.

He opened one of the cells and I watched him closely, taking note of how he turned the key and how quickly. I knew some jail systems would recognize a mistake, like turning the key the wrong way, sending an automatic alarm to the command center above, which would bring all the guards down to see what was up.

Couldn’t have that.

I followed him into the cell, and he looked down, fumbling with his belt as he did so. I used his moment of distraction to bash his balls with my knee. Hard. He grunted with pain while a high-pitched whine escaped his lips. His hands immediately went between his legs to his cock, desperate to protect himself and his most prized goods.

I didn’t wait for him to recover. Instead, I swung my leg around his, kicking the back of his right knee hard and he fell to the floor. I used my momentum to pivot back toward him and swung my arm around his throat. I squeezed hard, using my other hand to press against my forearm, effectively cutting off his ability to breathe.

He thrashed under me, but I had leverage. He didn’t. He tried to stand up, to pull my wrists away from his throat, but it didn’t matter. I had him right where I wanted him.

I hated everything the Association stood for from the day I was press-ganged into their service, but if they’d taught me anything, it would be how to fight. They had taught me how to take down an enemy, how to maneuver myself into the best offensive position.

Scrawny was one of them. He was in the way of me getting to Bane.

He struggled and tried really hard to get away, but the longer I held him, the less noise he made, the less his body fought as he struggled to draw in air. To live. He squeaked, his sounds terrified, but still I didn’t let up.

Soon enough, the life left his limbs and he slouched forward. I kicked him to the side, and he fell to the floor. Lifeless.

I stole the gun from his waist and the keys that had fallen onto the floor beside him. I glanced back at him, ensuring that he was gone before I rushed out of the cell and locked it behind me. Quickly, I looked in the other cells and found the one Bane was locked in, but then I heard the other guard groan softly in the hallway.

Dammit. I guess I had to deal with that one too.

With a sigh, I strutted out into the hallway and plastered a seductive grin on my face. He heard my boots smack against the floor, and he looked up excitedly.

“Where’s my friend?” he asked nervously.

“I was a bit much for him. He’s recovering,” I answered smugly. “Hopefully you’ll be able to handle me, soldier,” I added with a smirk and his eyes grew as wide as saucers.

“Oh, yeah. I’ve got something for you, little lady,” he chuckled, rubbing the fabric that covered his dick.

Gross. He made me want to vomit.

Men like this were easy. Flaunt a little pussy in their face and they transformed into something less than human. Trolls.

I took my hand and massaged my right breast, taking care to run a finger over the top of my nipple. Then, I drew my fingers down my belly and across the hem of my skirt. He reached for me, drawing his fingers across the skin of my shoulder, and pulled me close to him. I tried not to show my disgust.

He kissed me and I wound my arm behind my back, deftly un-holstering my knife. I kissed him fervently, drawing him in and doing my best to keep him from growing suspicious even though I was thoroughly disgusted. I really wanted to cut his dick off for trying to have his way with me, but if I did that, he’d be able to scream and that wouldn’t make any of this better. He was completely unaware of my movements. I slowly lifted the knife until it was scant inches from his throat and then I made my move.

Swiftly, I slashed the knife across his throat, making sure that I cut cleanly, deep and true. He tried to scream, but I swallowed his sounds with my lips, kissing him harder and more desperately than before. I felt the warmth of his blood spilling down his chest through my fingers and I stepped back, not wanting any to get any of it on me or my clothes.

He choked, gargling on his own blood as he clung to his throat, but it was already too late. He was losing far too much. It wouldn’t be long now.

With a cry, he fell to his knees, trying to stem the flow of blood but his fingers were too slippery. I’d cut him deep, nicking his jugular just right. It was a killing blow. There was no surviving a gash like that.

Two guards. Two human men I’d taken down all by myself. All for him.

Tags: Sara Fields Erotic