Page 10 of Manhandled

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I pleaded for mercy. I told him that I was sorry. I promised obedience and still he didn’t grant me release. Instead, he pulled my hair tighter, forcing me to meet the eyes of those watching.

“You will come so that they can see your shame. They will witness every moment of your orgasm as I use your tight little hole for my pleasure. You’ll scream loud enough so that they can hear and when I come in your tight little hole, you’ll come for a second time, all while they are watching. Every. Last. Moment,” he demanded, and I cried out with desire.

I wanted to hate him for what he was doing. Instead, I just wanted him to fuck me harder.

“Understand?” he asked roughly, jerking my head just a little in warning.

“Yes, sir, I understand.”

I gazed out upon the crowd and my inner walls fluttered with excitement. Slowly, my fingers explored my pussy, circling, pinching and caressing my clit. The more I touched myself, the faster my arousal rose to the surface, quickly building and careening toward orgasm. His cock filled my ass, the feeling so filthy and wrong, but I didn’t care. I wanted it and I wanted more. I needed to come being used like this.

I couldn’t control my arousal anymore.

He did.

“Come,” he demanded. And I did.

I obeyed. Every nerve in my body rushed to do as he asked. My heart quickened and my breath drew in and out of my lungs in desperate little pants. My thighs shook. My inner walls fluttered, and my nipples tightened with pleasure.

I shattered into a million pieces. Like a piece of glass thrown against the wall, I broke into pieces. My pleasure was uncontrollable, exquisite, and intoxicating all at the same time, and I screamed with it. I moaned. I sighed and I pleaded for more while I came, feeling his fingers tighten harshly in my hair.

He used me even harder then, harder than I ever thought possible. Every inch of my body felt sore and achy and bursting with pleasure. His hips slammed into mine, over and over as they slapped against the stinging welts from his belt. My bottom hole stung from how hard he took me, and I knew I’d feel such a rough lesson for days to come.

I met the eyes of several people in the crowd, moaning with my shame as I orgasmed before them. I was so embarrassed, but my pussy reacted in kind, clenching and tightening as I came. I felt punished, used, and incredibly sorry for myself but at the same time I also felt satisfied.

“Don’t you dare take those fingers off that little clit of yours. You’ll keep coming until I tell you to stop, no matter how sore that little pussy gets,” he said firmly, and my thighs quivered.

I didn’t dare disobey him. I didn’t want to.

I orgasmed again then, my body heating with desire and never letting go. I struggled to stand, but he held me up, taking me and giving me everything in that single moment.

And I didn’t even know his name. He didn’t know mine.

But it didn’t matter.

He knew how to play my body, knew it better than I knew myself. He’d taken me and forced me to yield before him and I wanted more. Needed every last inch. I opened for him then, pushing back into his thrusts, taking him deeper into my ass than ever before.

I toyed with myself, edging myself closer and closer to orgasm. Soft tremors of pleasure quaked through my body and then I felt his grip on my body tighten. He’d snaked his arm around my waist, using it to force me to take him harder. His fingers caressed my hip and then gripped me tightly.

He groaned, the sound low and seductive, and I couldn’t help myself as I came once more. His hot seed spurted deep inside my ass, coating my insides with its searing heat, and I shuddered around him. Every muscle in my body tightened. My body spasmed with desire, every nerve electrified.

White-hot pleasure sliced through me, taking me captive and holding me tight as one orgasm bled into the next. My clit exploded with sensation, every second longer than the last. Even when I wanted to stop, I didn’t, and my orgasms continued, one after the other taking hold of me and breaking me in pieces.

He came hard, his seed marking me as his. It tingled inside me, forcing me into one final orgasm that ravaged me completely.

I screamed until my voice was hoarse. All I could think about was pleasure. All I could do was feel and take what he gave me until I could take no more, and still, he made me take more. I shattered. I broke and I fell apart into a million jagged edges, but even as he did so, he held my body against his, a small comfort amongst so much intensity.

It was so powerful that I started to cry. Tears raced down my cheeks, mixing with his still dripping seed. He held me closer, releasing my hair and wrapping his arms around me instead.

“Good girl. You took your punishment well,” he whispered, and my heart faltered for a moment before jarring to life once again.

I didn’t say a word, but he didn’t ask me to.

He held me for a while longer, letting my tears dry and my breathing return to normal. My heartbeat was erratic and took much longer to get back to its usual pace. My body remained hot for some time. Slowly, my strength came back, and I was able to focus on standing on my own two feet.

The alien stranger took a step back then, but never let me go. Instead, he kept a hand around my upper arm just in case my legs gave out beneath me, but they didn’t.

I lifted my head, feeling my drying tears and his seed still dripping down my cheeks.

Tags: Sara Fields Erotic