Page 40 of Daddy's Property

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I moaned around his cock, nodding a little so that he knew I understood. I bobbed my head back and forth and he made another deeper groan.

“You will swallow what I give you, Cami-girl,” he growled. His hands tightened now, holding me in place. I finally realized his intention. He wouldn’t force me down on his cock, but he wasn’t going to allow me to back off either.

My pussy flooded at the thought of being controlled like that. This time, he’d let me take the lead for the most part. He’d let me discover the length of his cock with my own mouth on my terms, but I felt like the next time might possibly be different. Would he take control completely and fuck my mouth himself?

There was no doubt in my mind that I’d soaked through my panties by now.

His fingers dug into my scalp, and I whimpered around his cock at the increasing agony, but he didn’t stop. I didn’t want him to. I suckled harder, swirled my tongue more vigorously and at long last, I was rewarded with his roar of pleasure.

I was so proud of myself that I almost forgot about what came after that.

His seed spurted against the back of my throat, and I choked for several long seconds. Eventually, I got ahold of myself and started swallowing around him, taking each subsequent burst of cum down my throat. The taste of him was so strong, so consuming, but I found myself craving every last drop. I drew back a little when he finished, taking my time to clean off the head of his cock. I licked him slowly and teasingly, and in the end I was rewarded with a deep satisfied groan.

His hold on the back of my head softened and he used his fingers to smooth and straighten out my hair once again.

“Good girl,” he purred. For a moment, he looked down at me like he was savoring the moment with me still on my knees before him before he began to speak again.

“Now it’s time for dinner, isn’t it?” he asked. I swept my tongue along my lips, capturing any stray beads of his seed with it. He watched me with a restrained eagerness, and I couldn’t help but imagine what he would be like when he let that restraint free. He offered me a hand and I took it. He pulled me back up to my feet before he tucked his cock away. Amused, he chuckled when he saw me pout at its sudden disappearance.

“I’m beginning to think a girl like you needs a bright red bottom more often, Cami,” he scolded teasingly, and I blushed, looking down to the floor. I could still taste him on my tongue. I liked that.

He grabbed a slice of garlic bread, tearing off a piece and bringing it to my lips. I opened my mouth and took it eagerly, chewing as a burst of flavors exploded across my tongue.

“This is delicious!” I exclaimed with my mouth still full.

“I thought you might think so,” he grinned. “Now come, let’s enjoy a nice dinner and then I’ll deal with you as I see fit. How does that sound?”

“Okay,” I smiled shyly. My body was still pulsing with fiery desire. From the ends of my fingers to the tips of my toes, I felt my need surge through me, every nerve crackling with electricity and ready to ignite.

His hand slid under my dress, only just cupping my pussy. “You’re much wetter than before, my Cami-girl. I can feel it soaking through your panties,” he observed. I blushed, wanting to run, and wanting to stay to see if he would touch me.

“I…” I began and he shook his head as he pulled away his hand.

“Go sit down now, little girl, and I’ll serve you dinner,” he instructed. I blushed hard, trying to figure out why I was reacting like that. I’d sucked his cock and now I was needier than ever. I didn’t know what to do other than obey.

I felt the absence of his touch all the way to my chair, but when I sat down and looked back at him, all I saw was the pride on his face and that made me feel better.

“What do you want to try first?” he asked.

I pointed at several different dishes, and he served me a small portion of all of them. He filled up my plate and I dug in, eating my fill and enjoying every bite. He made sure that I was all set before he served himself, which felt quite special to me. I broke off another piece of garlic bread, dunking it in the sauce left on my plate and wiping it clean.

Everything was incredible, but the cheese-covered garlic bread was my favorite. It was simple, but it was easily the best thing on the table, followed by the lasagna or chicken parmigiana or even the stuffed manicotti.

I’d be eating leftovers for days and I was ridiculously excited over the prospect of that.

“You should give the chef a raise,” I said happily, and he lifted his brow.

“Do you think so?” he asked suggestively.

“Yes,” I grinned. I shifted on my seat and my traitorous little clit practically sang at the change in sensation. I gripped the edge of the table, trying to keep myself under control. It was really quite difficult, and he kept his eyes on me as if he could see the struggle playing out all over my face.

“Maybe I will,” he smiled.

“Sometimes, Miss Ethel would let me help her in the kitchen. I thought it was fun learning my way through a few recipes,” I said softly.

“I can have my chef teach you if you like. Do you want to know how to make something special?” he asked curiously.

“The garlic bread,” I rushed to say, then I sat back and thought about it a little more carefully. “Maybe the lasagna too. I don’t know. A few different things, I guess.”

Tags: Sara Fields Erotic