Page 22 of Daddy's Property

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I knew he was right.

“Do you think I’m crazy?” I asked in a wilted voice.

“No, little girl. Not even a little bit,” he said firmly. He took my hands and led me over to the bed, gently situating me in front of him. I looked down, the expanse of his lap feeling even bigger now that my punishment was so very close, so very imminent.

“You asked if I cared enough to spank you and that’s what is going to happen, little girl,” he said. His hands squeezed mine and he took a deep breath.

“Okay,” I whispered.

“You got very drunk the other night, little girl. You know better than that, don’t you?” he pressed, and I squirmed in front of him, feeling more guilty by the second.

“Yes,” I admitted, staring at the floor.

“That, by itself, isn’t why you’re about to get a spanking, little girl. I’m going to spank you tonight because you insinuated that I don’t care about you. You know very well that I do care about you and if I need to give you a bright red bottom to remind you of that, I will take you over my knee and give you a very firm lesson indeed,” he scolded.

I fidgeted more, unable to speak or even look at him.

“It’s going to be a hard spanking, little girl, because I think you need it to be,” he continued.

I whimpered.

“Look at me, Cami,” he prompted. When I didn’t, he reached and lifted my chin. “Now, you have a choice. The first one is that you can ask me to tuck you in and put you to bed and we can forget all of this happened. Your second option is to lie over my knee. If you do that, I’m going to spank you hard. It’s going to hurt, little girl, and it will be over when I think it needs to be over. Do you understand me?” he said firmly.

I squirmed, biting my lip. “Will you still tuck me in after it’s over if I choose the second one?” I whispered. My voice was shaking, I was so nervous.

“Of course, little girl. I would like that very much,” he answered.

“Will you hug me one more time?” I whimpered.

He didn’t respond, just pulled me close and wrapped me within the secure embrace of his grasp. His arms felt like a safe haven and in that moment, I knew that I could trust him. Whatever was about to happen would be painful, but I knew in the end it would make me feel better and that I could trust him to do it without really hurting me.

After a few moments, his arms relaxed. His fingers slid down to my hands and squeezed them lightly.

“Ask me to give you the spanking you need, little girl,” he said firmly.

I gazed back at him with extreme embarrassment. My nipples were so sensitive, and I knew he could probably see them through my nightshirt. My clit was pulsing with desire, and I was mortified to realize that my panties were soaked through.

This had already gone too far for me to turn back now. I wanted to see this through because deep inside I knew that this was something I needed from him.

“Please spank me,” I whispered.

“Lie over my knees, little girl,” he coaxed.

He released my hands and I let out a shaky breath. Slowly, I lowered myself over his lap. He lifted my legs onto the bed, and I was thankful at least to be face down right now. My face was so red and even though he couldn’t see it, I covered it with my hands.

One of his hands circled my lower back several times. It felt so good that I started to relax a little bit. Eventually, he stopped, and I tensed again, but this time he reached down and lifted my nightshirt.

“Oh!” I exclaimed, reaching back.

Firmly, he grasped my wrist and pinned it behind my waist as he continued pulling up my nightgown and exposing my panty-clad bottom.

I was so embarrassed. He could see all of my bottom now.

“Not like this!” I squeaked.

“Little girl, you’ve worn skirts and dresses in front of me that show off nearly this much,” he scolded and then his fingers slid beneath the waistband of my panties.

“Wait! Please!”

Tags: Sara Fields Erotic