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Chapter Eleven


We left the chaos of Tharia behind. After two days of constant travel, we’d made it to a location that my three alphas deemed suitable for us to rest. During the day, we’d had hiked through the jungle together and at night, they’d carried me as they continued the journey through the dark. Even though I’d been given an opportunity to rest, I was still completely and utterly exhausted.

It was late afternoon when we’d finally stopped and despite my tiredness, I set about creating a place for us to rest. The men gathered supplies and built a shelter big enough for all four of us. I gathered leaves and bedding for us, arranging it for hours until it was situated perfectly. By the time I was finished, I was thrilled with the little den we’d created for ourselves.

I curled up on the bedding and Ravick and Garret sat beside me. Lothgar got to work building a large fire and soon, it was crackling loudly in the relative safety of the wild forest.

“Rest, sweet omega,” Garret whispered, his purr surrounding me in comfort. His fingers trailed up my neck and into my hair, softly massaging my scalp and I moaned as tremors of pleasure rocketed down my spine.

“Don’t spoil her too much,” Ravick chuckled and I growled lightly in his direction. He laughed even harder at the sound. “Just like a little feisty kitten,” he added.

I huffed and turned back toward Garret.

“Don’t worry, omega. We’ll take care of you in the morning. I think you need a firm reminder of exactly who’s in charge here,” Garret answered, and I shivered with nervous excitement.

I wondered what they were going to do to me. Would they bare my body and force me to lie over their knees? Would I beg them to spank me and then fuck me so hard that I could come all over each one of their cocks? I moaned softly at the thoughts.

I hoped they’d do all of that and more.

I’d missed them so much after we’d been separated. It had felt as though the distance between us had been tearing us apart and my heart had ached terribly so at their absence. Now that we were together once more, I felt whole.

I felt complete.

My life before them had been empty, consumed with the never-ending pull of novel scientific discoveries and jealousy over my coworkers’ successes and delight at their failures. I hadn’t known what it would be like to experience the pull of my omega nature. Once the suppressants had been forced out of my system, I had felt the full force of my instincts and realized that life could be so much fuller. And last of all, I hadn’t known I could fall so deeply for one man, let alone three.

I opened my eyes and looked from Ravick to Garret and then to Lothgar.

I was lucky the three of them had come for me that fateful morning the city tied me to that pole and forced me to live through the shame of a public heat. I don’t know if things would have turned out the same with any other men, but I didn’t care.

My alphas had come for me and claimed me as theirs. Now the time for me to claim them as mine had come too.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, content in the knowledge that I was safe with my alphas and we were free to live out the rest of our lives in the wilds.

* * *

I woke the next morningto the quiet sounds of the forest, surrounded by the heat from my alphas and I sighed happily. I hadn’t slept that well in a long time. Birds chirped quiet songs of happiness and the rush of a nearby river echoed quietly not far off. I bit my lip, turning my head to see that my men had awakened beside me.

The bond throbbed between us, pulsing heavily with their adoration.

“You’ve been away from us too long,” Garret purred, and I hummed with agreement.

“I think we should remind our little omega who exactly is in charge here, especially now that we’ve left the city,” Lothgar added and I sighed quietly with excited anxiety.

“What do you think, omega? Do your alphas need to punish you?” Ravick asked, leveling his intense green eyes with mine. My stomach curled with nervousness and building desire. Would he spank me again? Would he fuck my ass until I begged him to let me come? Would all of them fuck me together?

Breathless with want, I nodded. I knew then that I’d submit to whatever my alphas wanted. My inner omega thrived when I did, no matter how shameful their punishment may be. They wanted me and I wanted them.

“Stand up, Triss,” Ravick began.

I obeyed.

“Take off your clothes,” he commanded.

Slowly, I unbuttoned the leather vest, revealing my breasts to their view. My nipples hardened in the chilly morning air and Lothgar traced his finger around my curves to gently pinch the tight bud. Next, I slid my pants down my thighs, revealing a pair of cotton white lace panties. I moved to take them off, but Ravick stopped me with a gentle touch.

“Not yet. I’ll do that after you’ve laid over my knees and asked me to punish you,” he replied, and I shivered.

Tags: Sara Fields The Omegaborn Trilogy Erotic