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Chapter Nine


I could feel her. My mate. My woman. She wasn’t far now.

Her emotions were swirling within me. Desire. Pride. Anger. Sadness, but most of all, I could feel her strength. I sucked in a breath, running my hand up and down the length of my cock. It had been too long since I had slid into her sweet omega cunt and I was longing for its tight sheath around my thick shaft.

There would be time for that later though. Right now, we had to get her out of this godforsaken city and back to my home.

It was just about sunrise. I could already see the telltale signs of the red and orange glows on the horizon. Garret, Ravick, and I had observed the omega sanctuary for hours. It was well guarded, mostly anyway. Most of the guards were well past drunk now though, having drunk some sort of booze from leather tankards all damn night long. I’d seen more than one of them piss off the side of the walls like filthy animals. They’d sang and danced and even mimicked the motions of a good fucking rather sloppily and I had snorted in disgust. I’d seen a number of them scream down obscenities to any woman passing below and it had taken everything in me not to rush out of our hiding spot in a nearby building and break their necks with just my hands.

I was no stranger to battle. I had lived and grown up in the wilds. It was my home. My pack trained young alphas from the time they could walk. I’d held my first curved sword when I was five and I had killed my first man by the time I was thirteen. Each tattoo on my chest marked a victory in battle and I had many of them. I was proud of every single one. My people sang songs about my victories. I was a warrior. The sounds of battle made my blood race and my heart sing. I lived for it.

A shriek from below tore me from my thoughts, as I watched yet another guard heckle one of the beautiful omegas below. I growled low in my throat.

He was going to die first.

The abusive treatment of the most magnificent group of omegas I’d ever seen made my blood boil. Out in the wilds, they were more than rare and here, they kept them imprisoned like animals in a zoo. They were obviously malnourished, too thin and too quiet. Everything about it was wrong.

An omega was a thing to be cherished and taken care of. They were made to submit to their alphas, but they were also feisty, protective, and strong. It was in their nature to be so and we had to be just as strong to be worthy of their submission and their love.

It had been beaten out of these omegas, not only with the suppressant but also by the abhorrent behavior of the guards. I growled low in my throat as I watched from the window of our hiding spot in a deserted apartment building across the street from the sanctuary.

“Triss moved closer,” Garret whispered.

“She’s not far now,” I answered, evaluating the bond for myself.

“The right wall is the weakest. Those guards are the drunkest and will be mostly easily put down there.” Ravick pointed and my eyes slid to analyze the spot he indicated. He was right. Those men could hardly walk, let alone safeguard the wall from alphas like us.

They didn’t stand a chance.

Garret slid his sword from its scabbard. I took the two of mine off my belt and I saw Ravick un-holster a nasty-looking switchblade from his waist. I sniffed the air, catching the smell of something new on the air. It reminded me of citrus and lavender.

The more I breathed in, the stronger my senses became. My sight became much clearer. My sense of smell strengthened and the mate bond in my chest pulsed fiercer than ever.

Triss was even closer now. Closing my eyes, I focused on her and allowed the alpha in me to direct me where to go. I called for her and in return, I felt her reach out to me. I opened my eyes and instinctually, I knew where she was. Moving my gaze, I turned toward what looked like an old abandoned metal warehouse.

“Let’s go. I know where she is. We’re going to find her and we’re going to take her far from the city, deep into the wilds,” I growled.

“Then we’re going to fuck her, just like an omega deserves to be fucked,” Ravick smirked. I chuckled. I was looking forward to the exact same thing. He’d just been the first one to voice it.

“She’ll be damn lucky if I ever let her out of our bed again,” Garret grunted in response, his eyes dilating partially in excitement.

“Then we’re all in agreement,” I smirked and the two of them grinned.

I winked in their direction and then jumped out of the window onto the cement balcony a few feet below. Sprinting across it, I leapt across to the wall of the omega sanctuary too swiftly for any of the men guarding it to actually react. I swung my swords, catching one man across the belly and another through the gut. The first man to actually try to stop me caught my blades across his neck. I grinned gleefully as my swords sliced clean through his throat and again when his head bounced down to the ground, blood splashing down onto the stone below. I tasted the coppery glint on my tongue, and I roared with victory. I was so fucking ready for this.

I surged forward, Garret and Ravick behind me. They were more cautious in their fighting style, but that wasn’t me. I was savage. I was bold and I wasn’t afraid of anything, least of all these pitiful excuses for guards.

I tore through one and then another, decapitating them with my scimitars with ease. They didn’t stand a chance. They’d never fought someone like me.

The harsh scent of blood grew stronger, but so did the smell of oranges and lavender. My senses heightened and I roared at the feeling of it. Whatever it was, it was stopping the suppressant drug from working and my alpha nature was growing fiercer in nature. The more I fought, the stronger its effect became.

Some of the men were getter fiercer too. More feral in nature. More instinctual. I sniffed the air once more. It was faint at first and a bit sweet, but then I realized it was the unmistakable scent of omega slick.

Not just one omega. Many of them.

Something was happening. Something big. We had to get to our mate, and we had to get to her fast.

Tags: Sara Fields The Omegaborn Trilogy Erotic