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Chapter One


There was nothing I could do. I was a prisoner.

I heard the whispers of the men and woman who held me captive. Murmurs of punishment and retribution for my sins that got louder and louder as we approached the city walls. I’d been convicted and sentenced without even being given a chance to defend myself. The Central Gathering and the city of Tharia had dictated that I needed to be publicly disciplined for what I had done.

A representative had injected me with the suppressant drug, keeping my primal urges at bay for the time being, but there were only so many doses that I would be allowed. Eventually, the entire city would be able to witness what I really was. They’d all know my shameful secret.

Eventually, the drugs were going to wear off and my punishment would really begin.

I gritted my teeth as the wheeled carriage bounced on a rock, bringing me closer and closer to Tharia and the reckoning I had coming. We’d been traveling for days and were due to arrive very soon.

I pressed the back of my head to the wall behind me. I was bound to the seat by the window, my wrists tied to the handrails and my ankles secured to the floor. I had tried to wriggle out of my bonds for days, but it was no use. The ropes were too strong. It was useless to resist. No matter what I did, I was going to be taken back to the walls where I’d be punished, in full view of those who lived in the city. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath in and out and that’s when I noticed that the carriage had rattled to a halt. Opening my eyes, I saw the greens of the wilds coming to an end and the city walls of Tharia rose up, not far in the distance.

We had arrived.

Fuck. Me.

I heard people bustling outside, members of the Central Gathering who had accompanied me on the journey through the forests back to the city. To be honest, I should be thankful to have been returned. I could still be out there, being rutted by every alpha who came my way just because of my genetic background.

I was an omega. Bound to the primal, sexual urges that raced through my veins. Fated to be pushed down on my back and bred by an alpha. Instincts that were written deep into our genetic code. Unavoidable unless suppressed by powerful drugs.

I shivered, imagining what was to come.

It had been quite a bit of time since I had my last dose of suppressant. Yesterday afternoon in fact. Licking my lips, I did the calculations in my head, knowing that the drug should stay stable within my system for twenty-four hours. I had just a few hours of my sanity left. When the drug was broken down in my body, it would stop working and allow the feral instincts of the omega within me free. I would go into heat. I’d beg to be fucked by an alpha. I’d plead to be used. I’d spread my legs, no matter how shameful it may be.

I rolled my upper lip in anger. This shouldn’t be happening to me.

Really, the whole thing pissed me off. I hadn’t even been given a chance to defend myself. I didn’t regret what I had done. My only twinge of remorse had been that I hadn’t won Alix’s affections and he’d chosen Raven over me instead.

I’d wanted revenge. She’d stolen my promised promotion and I’d planned to ruin her. She was an omega too and I’d done everything that I could to expose her hidden secret, only it had seemingly revealed mine too. Her alphas had known what I was, had sensed that I was an omega too, and they’d thwarted my plans.

Now I was being punished for it.

The door to the carriage opened and a man clad in mostly black climbed inside. He was much bigger than me. I gritted my teeth, arching back into the seat and trying to fight him, but it didn’t matter. He was too big. Too strong. He untied my wrists from the chair first, before binding them together. Next, he freed my ankles. Tossing me over his shoulder as though I was a simple bag of flour, he carried me from the carriage and took me outside once more.

I lifted my head, taking in my surroundings. The lush green forest met my eyes first and I took in a quick breath at its beauty, but the comfort it brought me only lasted a moment. The man carrying me walked toward a wide, grass-covered clearing, where a thick wooden pole stood atop a wooden stage. There was nothing on the stage except for that pole and what appeared to be shackles.


I gulped hard and started struggling against him, using my legs and elbows to kick and punch him, whatever I could do to escape. I wriggled hard and pinched him with my fingers, using everything in my power to try to get away from him but it was as though he was a cement wall. Eventually, I paused as he approached the wooden stage and climbed up the six stairs to the top. An additional three men climbed the stage with him, and he finally put me down.

With a deep terrified breath, I tried to run, but the men were too fast. All of them trained betas meant to deal with errant omegas like me. They made quick work of my clothing, stripping layer after layer from my body in a clinical fashion. The cloth bit and pinched at my skin, but that didn’t stop them. They held my arms, others grabbed my legs, pinning me as they disrobed me. In no time at all, I was entirely naked. I tried to cover myself, but it was useless as they took me and pressed my back to the pole. Rope wound around my body, lifting and cupping my breasts in a lewd fashion. My arms were bound over my head in an effort to keep me from touching myself. My legs were spread and bound by the ankles to hooks in the floor, leaving me bare and vulnerable to whomever found it amusing to watch what was to come.

Thoroughly imprisoned, I tried to wriggle in my bonds, but they had no give. I was trapped. The men descended the stairs and left the stage, returning to the carriage and leaving me behind. Other men were stationed by the wall to observe my sentence and ensure that I didn’t get away. They’d probably be the ones to ensure that I was taken back into the city after it was all over.

I hiccupped with anxiety and fear. I was doomed.

The sun was high overhead, warm on my pale skin. My long red hair shone in the light, whipping around my face with the gentle breeze that meandered through the clearing. The wilds were quiet, the only gentle sounds ones of birds and bugs chirping off in the distance.

It was peaceful for now, but I knew that wouldn’t last long.

The weight of my punishment finally hit me then. I was going to go into heat very soon and everyone in the city would be able to witness my shame. It wouldn’t surprise me if the whole ordeal were recorded and showcased to the city as a warning. Everyone would be able to observe and judge my shame as I was punished for what I had done.

What was my crime?


Tags: Sara Fields The Omegaborn Trilogy Erotic