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He rushed forward toward me. He was fast, too fast and before I had time to react, he had grabbed my upper arm and pulled me into him, throwing the remote to the side far out of my reach. Not only that, but he held a gun to my head. Quickly, he turned me around so that my back pressed against his hard, muscled chest. I found it hard to breathe as I felt his heartbeat through my skin and the brush of his breath against my ear. He was warm, and I struggled to keep the heat in my own body at bay.

He shouldn’t have been able to escape the gravity trap. Not as quickly as he did. I hadn’t even had the time to engage the kill switch of the trap, the sharp barbed wire grid. Now, it was too late. There was no capturing him now.

I tried to think, scrambling to come up with another plan, but my mind went blank, captured completely by the alien man holding me tight.

To my horror, the other three began to move too.


“I like the way your curvy little ass is pressing up against my cock,” Tavik whispered into my ear and I shivered with anxious excitement. I could feel his hard length, long and thick, against my backside and my pussy clenched. I tried to fight the rising arousal in my core, but it was a losing battle. His body heat amplified my desire and I was helpless against it. What the fuck was happening to me?

“What do you want with me?” I asked, and he chuckled softly, the sound full of what I could only identify as dark desire.

“I’m going to give you a choice. Option number one is I tear your clothes off and fuck you in front of everyone here. Option number two, the five of us can go off for a private chat about who is actually in charge here and we let your followers run free to return to wherever they came from and then, we still take you captive. What will it be?” Tavik whispered in my ear, the sound burning my insides into molten lava.

The other three Vakarrans lifted a laser gun from their waists, one in each hand and aimed them at my friends, at the humans who I’d fought so hard to protect.

I wanted to cry. I’d miscalculated and made a crucial error. The trap hadn’t worked as intended and now I’d put everyone in danger because of it. This was my fault.

I looked out at the crowd and saw Sophie. She looked terrified. Liam stood beside her and he looked pissed.

“Option number one or two, Kaela. Decide,” Tavik whispered.

Fucking bastard.

My thighs trembled. I didn’t dare move with the gun to the side of my head. I held still as I felt his other hand snake around my hip, travel up my belly and over my breasts. My nipples peaked, and his palm edged even higher, until it curled around my throat. He didn’t squeeze it, just held it there, almost as a proclamation of his power and strength.

“Don’t kill them,” I whispered.

As soon as the words left my lips, I felt my heart begin to flutter. I couldn’t tell if it was from nervousness or fear, or even desire. My entire body was in an odd state of confusion.

“Order them to leave,” Tavik commanded.

I swallowed anxiously, trying to gather the words I needed to say in order to save them all.

“If I come with you, you’ll let them go. You won’t kill them or try to find them?” I countered.

“I don’t care about them. My mission is you and you alone. The rest of them don’t matter to me,” Tavik said.

“Who sent you?” I pressed.

“I’ll tell you once they’re gone,” he replied.

“How do I know that I can trust you?” I asked.

“You don’t. You’ll just have to accept that I’m a nice guy who doesn’t like following the rules,” Tavik said and I gritted my teeth.

Cocky bastard.

I sighed. I had to put the others above myself. These Vakarrans could kill me, but as long as the others remained free, it didn’t really matter.

“I’ll do what you want. Just don’t hurt them,” I whispered.

Lifting my eyes, I looked out to the humans surrounding us.

“The Vakarrans have agreed to free all of you, in exchange for me. Return home. Don’t come back. Survive and continue to thrive without me. In my absence, Sophie is to take my place as leader. Give her the respect that you gave me,” I declared.

Sophie glared at the Vakarrans and then looked at me with sympathy.

Tags: Sara Fields Vakarran Captives Erotic