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Biran leaned in and whispered something in her ear and she grew quiet. After a moment, she smiled softly and thanked him. I looked away, trying to stem my feelings of jealousy. I wanted her to look at me like that too.

Fuck me. Why was I thinking things like that?

I shook my head and walked down the ramp, my cargo goods flying behind me as a delivery drone picked them up. The rest of the group followed, and I turned back toward Mya then, steeling myself against those ocean blue eyes and brilliant red locks.

She looked at me with curiosity and a quiet sadness.

I took her upper arm in my grasp and forcefully guided her along.

“Meet me at the back of the pub. I shouldn’t be long,” I said.

“One hour. Not a minute longer,” Talor commanded.

“You got it,” I replied, towing Mya along with me as I walked into the station. I didn’t even look at her as I stalked along the gangways, descending down into the pit, my drone following me just a few feet behind us.

“You can let go of my arm. You’re hurting me,” she squealed.

“Not a chance,” I replied. “You’re with me and you’ll do what I tell you, now move. I’ve got business to take care of.”

Chapter Six


Ejan was gripping my upper arm so tight I could hardly stand it. I tried to pull it away, but his grip was firm. I stared at the back of his horned head, seeing a vein pulse in the side of his neck. He was tense, that much was clear, and he seemed rather annoyed to have to drag me along into this little world of black market crime and depravity.

“At least, don’t squeeze so goddamn hard,” I growled and finally, he listened. He lightened his grip a little, enough where I didn’t think I’d bruise anymore from him anyway.

I kind of wished one of the others had taken me with them instead. Ejan was an angry mystery to me.

I would have stayed angry at Ejan’s seemingly cruel treatment, but I couldn’t focus on him when the world of the Underground opened up around me. Towers rose up on other side of the alley we were rushing down. Clotheslines connected windows across from one another, hung with blankets and all manner of clothing that I could imagine. One was even hung with hats, showcasing a rather grungy looking hat shop to our right.

We passed antique stores, art exhibits, and a multitude of jewelry stores. Alcohol of all kinds was readily available, and I heard female voices calling out to the men below, asking them if they were looking for a good time. I swallowed, watching alien life of all forms look out and wave at us passing by. High above, in what would be the sky on a normal planet, were small overhead li

ghts that resembled the night sky. Not much of the light made its way down to the streets below though, so dim lampposts provided light at constant intervals ahead.

It seemed like its own city center, trapped in a declining sense of urban decay.

It was dirty. Garbage lined the streets and I was suddenly glad for the heavy pair of boots that Biran had shoved onto my feet. I bit my lip, following Ejan as quickly as I could, when he stopped in front of what was clearly a very seedy looking drinking establishment.

“A pint of mead for the pretty lass?” some green alien woman asked, tentacles whirling around the top of her head. She leered toward us, and I moved closer to Ejan then.

His grip loosened its hold on my upper arm, instead curling around my waist, pulling me in close.

“Nah, I need to see Grissom. Tell him that his brother Ejan is here with a special package, just for him,” Ejan replied and I shivered. The drone behind us whirled to life.

The alien woman’s orange eyes widened, and she nodded quietly.

“Head to the back to the VIP room. Tell the soldier that Zaza sent you,” she replied, and her tentacles twitched a little.

Ejan led me inside. All around us, men and women screamed and yelled, clearly enjoying themselves and their drink. Sounds of sex echoed in the corner and I couldn’t help myself, as I witnessed a group of women sucking off one man’s multiple cocks.

I tore my eyes away, remembering that I probably shouldn’t capture anyone’s attention here. Biran had told me that this place was dangerous, far more so than the four of them and that I should be wary of anyone else.

I believed him.

A gunshot echoed and I flinched, pressing closer to Ejan and he curled around me tighter, protecting me.

He may play a cold soul, but he did care. He cared enough that he didn’t want me hurt.

Tags: Sara Fields Vakarran Captives Erotic