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“Mya, this is the Restrainer. I call him Robo for short. I designed him with the explicit function to contain and control my female, no matter what she would do to try to escape. He also has the capability to provide me with certain accessories, meant to both punish and please you. He has a few other functions I won’t describe to you just yet but have no doubt that this piece of technology has the capability to thoroughly chastise you, no matter the offense,” Dex explained, his tone so matter of fact that it immediately unnerved me.

Gulping down my fear, I turned my head.

He took that moment to clasp the clamp in his hand onto one of my nipples and I keened in surprise. The vise that clawed into my tight bud was harsh, pointed, and felt like daggers cutting into my skin. I whined as the wave of pain came over me and shuddered as it passed through my body. When the riptide of hurt finally calmed, Dex held my gaze as he moved to put the other clamp on my breast.

I tried to twist and turn and kick my way out of Robo, but there was no escape. The clamp clawed its way onto my other nipple and I yelped as the process of pain occurre

d all over again. I seethed under the achy haze, before the pain eventually passed and my body was left simmering with some sort of insatiable desire for more.

Dex had stared me down the entire time.

I shivered in his darkness. The shadowy seduction that pulled me into him.

His hand reached forward, tapping each nipple once, then twice, igniting the torrent of pain once more. I struggled in my bonds, but to no avail. I wasn’t getting away from his depravity.

“Lower her, Robo. I want her level with our cocks,” Dex murmured and the machine whirred to life once more. I felt myself being lowered toward the floor, my legs spreading even more obscenely. My body tilted just a bit more, at the perfect height and angle to be fucked by my abductors.

It was unnerving. My body heated. My mind raced.

Was I ready for this? Was I prepared to lose my virginity to the Vakarrans?

I bit my lip.

Dex stepped back and Talor moved forward.

He was the leader. It only made sense he would be the one to begin my torment. I took a shaky breath and lifted my eyes to meet his copper ones. I noticed then that there were flecks of red, orange, and yellow in his gaze, a veritable rainbow of fire burning toward me.

With each passing moment, they seemed to burn hotter.

He reached to caress my cheek and I flinched away, but he continued onward, stroking the underside of my breast, my collarbone, and down the line of my belly to my hipbones. Leaning forward, he kissed the right side of my hips and I quaked with the passion it sparked deep in my bones.

Dex handed Talor a small round object, which he gently pressed against my clit. He let go and it stayed in place on its own without his hands to hold it. I could feel nanoparticles working their way into my skin, creating electronic tendrils that kept the little device where it was originally positioned. The device would stay where it was until Talor decided to remove it himself. I shivered with nervous anticipation.

Talor tapped the device once.

And it roared to life. Vibrations became my entire world in an instant, only this was way more intense than the little bullet I had hidden away in my nightstand drawer back at the dating agency. This was utterly and completely consuming.

The bullet drove me up a wall, quickly forcing me to approach orgasm like a bullet shot from a gun. My skin felt electrified, my body feverish with want and I moaned softly under my breath. My fingers tightened into fists as I arched within the hold of the robot, my own hips rocking back and forth as the bullet took me higher and higher.

I groaned with pleasure, having never been forced to the peak of orgasm so quickly before. It was incredible, and I shook under its power. I was ready to come.

And then it stopped.

I screamed with agony. My entire body shuddered, my pussy throbbing with need, my core cramping painfully as I struggled to cope with the sudden loss of sensation.

Over and over, it did this.

I tried to breathe, I tried to survive, but the little devilish thing seemed tuned to my body, able to read when I was merely seconds away from orgasm and then it would stop.




My nerves blazed with a fire like I’d never known. My body shook with effort to maintain my dignity, but the longer the little bullet tortured me, the more I began to fall apart. I wanted to come. I needed to come and the demon device wasn’t letting me. My screams of frustration began to echo off the walls of the bedroom. My heart pounded loud, my blood rushing throughout my body like a tidal wave and I could hardly breathe enough air to fill my lungs.

Again, I cried out as the vibrations tortured me, bringing me once again to the precipice of my release, but never letting me let go completely. The device would suddenly lose power every time I was merely a second or two away, leaving my clit feeling hollow and lonely. I cried out with anger, only to have the bullet start up again.

Tags: Sara Fields Vakarran Captives Erotic