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Holy fuck, get your mind back on track, Zaavyr. I shook my head and tried to push those distracting thoughts out of my head.

By the looks in my officers’ eyes, they were thinking exactly what I had been thinking. It had been a good long time since any of us had the time to fuck a human woman and we all needed that kind of a break.

“Let’s get out of here until the call comes. I was able to buy some of that human-prepared whiskey some time ago and I’ve been saving it for a special occasion,” Coltan said, and I nodded in agreement.

The four of us logged out of our own personal command stations and got the hell out of there. None of us wanted to be there when Strohass found out about his dead friends.

That whiskey was going to taste so fucking good. Especially when I didn’t have to listen to Strohass’ whiny voice while I drank it.

Coltan walked ahead and I followed, Jax and Aedan beside me.

We’d been through a lot together, but I trusted each of them with my life. I couldn’t ask for anything more from any one of them. However this future mission went down, I knew we’d accomplish it together.

The walk through the steel corridors was brief before we reached Coltan’s chambers. His front room often doubled as our own personal bar, where we could discuss things in privacy. Just to be safe, we searched his room once a week for recording devices, but we’d never found any. Yet.

Jax and Aedan relaxed in two of the four black leather armchairs while Coltan and I prepared glasses of whiskey for everyone. I added a ball of ice to mine and put one in Aedan’s, because I knew he preferred his drink cold.

“This is good stuff, huh?” I ventured with a grin.

“My sources say it’s twenty-five years old. Bottled in 2755, according to the original wax seal,” he said, and I chuckled.

“That’s what I call a good buy then,” I responded, taking a sip from my chilled glass. “Fuck, that’s good.”

“Come on, guys, share the booze!” Aedan exclaimed, and Coltan chuckled.

“Get off your lazy asses and get some yourself,” Coltan teased, and I couldn’t help but laugh. He was always so great at lightening the mood, even in the darkest of times.

The two of us wandered over to the seating area and I handed Aedan his chilled glass while Coltan gave Jax his.

“So, what do we do, boys? We all know what’s going to happen come morning and we might as well figure it out now. How do we capture the infamous Kira?” I began.

Jax appraised me with his cool and calculating eyes.

“Well, the answer is simple, I think. We beat her at her own game. We build the trap and catch her when she’s least expecting it,” he replied, his copper irises darkening with anticipation. Jax always liked to study a situation, which made him a necessity and a valuable asset to my team. Without his ideas and feedback, we would have had to find some really creative ways out of a few battles in the past. I shuddered to think what could have happened.

“What if we went traditional in our trap design, capture her in a web of rope, or hide a cage underground she’d have to fall into?” Aedan suggested as he swirled his drink in his glass.

“I like the rope idea. Although we’d have to figure out how to lure her into the area in order to trip the trigger,” Jax said, staring at the floor in thought.

We were all silent for some time, thinking over how we could ultimately take down this unusual human. Taking a sip of wh

iskey, I enjoyed the burning sensation as it cascaded down my throat. Sitting back, I pictured what Kira would look like, trapped in a web of rope, hanging up in the air, just like a captured animal.

My cock jumped to attention at the thought of her eventual defeat.

The real trick to the whole thing would be to not allow our guard to grow lax around her, but with my team, that wasn’t a great concern. We weren’t like the other teams that had captured her before. The difference with us would be that not only would we seize her from her happy little world, we’d also conquer her.

To the victor goes the spoils, right?

I knew Strohass would call us into his office in the morning, fucking ungrateful bastard. He should have just sent us from the start. Asshole.

“Don’t worry, Zaavyr. We’ll get her,” Coltan said confidently.

I turned toward Coltan and grinned. He was always so perceptive, such a great right-hand man.

“I know. She won’t see it coming and that will be the most delicious part,” I added with a smirk. Jax and Aedan chuckled with me.

“That she won’t,” Jax said. “I’ve got an idea and it’s a doozy. One she definitely won’t be able to resist, not if I’ve read our little rebel right…”

Tags: Sara Fields Vakarran Captives Erotic