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“What do you think we should do then, Jax?” I asked.

“Wait. Let’s carry on as we usually would. We can only use this information once and I don’t want to waste it. Let me come up with a strategy where we can use it when it would be most advantageous to us,” he replied and the rest of us nodded.

“If you don’t mind then,” I said out loud, “I’d like to begin Kira’s training today. Aedan, I think it would be useful if you took some time with her after me.”

Aedan grinned.

“If either of you would like to train her ass, I’ve prepared her for you,” Coltan laughed softly.

“Aedan can have the honor of her virgin asshole,” I said with a wink. “I plan to use that pretty little mouth of hers to teach her who her real master is.” All of them chuckled.

Aedan looked especially pleased.

“While I’m busy, I want all of you to research anything you can find on Kira’s family history. Any detail can be important. No written or electronic records. We will convene and discuss all you’ve found later, but after I begin her training, no more communication through our link. She may be able to sense it and realize we’re onto her. I think our mating with her may be allowing her to access our link,” I suggested.

“I think you’re right, Zaavyr. Although it is strange for a human to acquire our abilities, perhaps her genetics are responding to ours. Becoming more palatable and responsive to us for mating and breeding purposes, perhaps, but we would need to test it further,” Jax offered thoughtfully and I nodded in agreement.

“Right. Either way, consider our link compromised. Carry on with that in mind. If the timing is right, you can test our link in her presence, but no mention of Earth or where she came from. Understood?” I ordered.

They all nodded once, immediately understanding the importance of my word. We’d been together a long time. We were a team, no matter what.

I turned and walked out of the room then and entered our bedroom alone.

The blanket still covered the cage in the middle of the room and I strode over to it, gripping the blanket and slowly sliding it off of the metal bars. Kira was still lying in the same position she had fallen asleep in and she slowly opened her eyes.

The nakedness of her body, curled up in small ball, was enticing. She stretched and yawned, and my dick jumped to attention. Her nipples hardened into tight little knots and I wanted to pinch them. Bite and suck them. Smirking, I knelt down and unlocked the cage, watching the unsureness pass over her face as she woke up. I offered her my hand and she reluctantly took it.

Easing her out of the cage, I helped her to stand and studied the contours of her face. She was so beautiful. The blueness of her eyes was captivating, clear as the ocean. Her strength shone through her sleepiness. She was no weak-willed human, that much was clear.

I cupped her chin in both hands and brushed my thumbs across her cheeks.

It was time to continue her training, whether she liked it or not.

Dropping one hand, I cupped her ass and then ran one finger up and down her cleft. The plug was still in place.

Good girl. I grinned.

“Do you like your little ass plugged and waiting for our use, Kira?”

Her eyes opened wide in shock as she bit her lip. She shook her head.

“Liar. Even now, I bet your cunt is begging for a good hard fucking, isn’t it?”

Her cheeks blushed as she shook her head and denied it.

“Spread your legs. If you’re lying, I’m going to punish you right now,” I demanded, and she whined softly, pressing her thighs together in defiance.

“Don’t test me, Kira. I won’t be kind if you displease me,” I pressed.

I saw the choice to submit pass over her eyes, the glint of rebellion just hidden beyond her deferential drop of her gaze. Moving my hand from her ass, I cupped her pussy in my palm, finding her hot, wet, and ready to be fucked.

She stilled as I slid my fingers up and down her soaked cunt, knowing that I had found her secret. No matter what she said or did, she could never hide her arousal from me.

I circled her clit and she moaned softly, faltering in my grasp.

“Dirty little slut, aren’t you,” I growled in her ear.

I felt her thighs quiver at my words and I smiled.

Tags: Sara Fields Vakarran Captives Erotic