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My pussy felt so empty. Stretched. Tamed. Claimed by a Vakarran.

I lifted my head, meeting the eyes of Coltan, Aedan, and Zaavyr, still seated in the loveseat directly in front of me. Every single one of them stared at me with a sense of dark seduction and ruthless longing.

I met their gazes with equal fierceness.

I may have enjoyed my punishment, but it wouldn’t break me. Never.

I heard Jaw zip up his pants behind me, tucking his massive member away, which oddly enough disappointed me. Coltan rose from the couch and one by one, released my limbs from the cuffs that bound me to the punishment frame. His touch was gentle, caring after the roughness that had been Jax. I didn’t say a word, and neither did he. I could feel Jax’s cum drying on my ass and thighs, but neither Coltan nor I made a move to wipe it away.

I wonder if it glittered, like last time.

“On your knees, Kira. Kiss the back of Jax’s hand and thank him for punishing you,” Coltan’s voice echoed inside my head.

Shit, that was still just as disconcerting as the first time I’d heard them inside my mind.

But I did as I was told. I sluggishly dropped to my knees in front of Jax and took his hand within mine, pressing my lips to the back of his hand. I was still panting, my body still reeling from the intense pleasure he had given me, my heart fractured into a million little pieces.

“Thank you for punishing me, Jax,” I whispered.

For a long moment, none of the men said a single word. They just stared at me, stealing concerned glances between each other. It was enough to make me a bit anxious, but I waited silently, not wanting to earn their ire in my fragile state.

“You will call us all Master,” Jax responded, his voice calm, collected, and not the least bit stern. It surprised me.

I chewed my cheek, turning over the term in my mind. Jax tensed a bit in warning and I decided that now was not the time to fight. I’d find my time to fight back and to escape back to Earth. Now, surrounded by four rather large Vakarrans, was definitely not the right time to enact my offensive plans.

I’d play along, for now.

“Yes, Master,” I replied quietly, doing my best to seem submissive and demure, just like Clair had been. I’d play the part until I found my opening.

“Good. To bed with you now. We’ll continue your training in the morning,” Jax said, turning away from me then.

“I’ll see to it that she’s put to rest,” Coltan said and the rest of the men nodded in agreement. They left the room then, leaving me with just one alien man.

His eyes darkened to a dark coppery color as he beckoned me over. I pushed up from my knees to a standing position and slowly walked over toward him, my legs feeling as though they were made of jelly. He pulled me into his lap and held me close.

“You did well,” he said.

I blushed. Jax had only made me come several times.

“Your training is going to continue in the morning and I must help you prepare. When you’re ready, put yourself over my knees and spread your ass for me. We need to switch out that plug for a bigger one, so that you’ll be ready to have your ass fucked tomorrow,” he said, and I shivered.

He couldn’t be serious. Right?

“No way. No cock is going up my ass,” I countered, pushing away from him slightly.

“Kira, you must remember your place. This is not Earth. You’re no longer free to make such choices. If we want to fuck your ass, you’ll do well to remember that it’s going to happen whether you like it or not,” he replied.

After a long moment of silence on my part, he continued.

“Many other Vakarrans would not help you prepare. They’d just take you there without training you first,” he explained.

Leaning back, I stared at him. He was right. I knew what his alien species was capable of. I heard and seen women being beaten, knew the rumors of what they did to women who rebelled. On all accounts, I was probably rather lucky I wasn’t dead.

Even now, when Jax had punished me with his cock, it hadn’t harmed me or injured me in any way. He’d taken the time to touch me, tease me, and most important, arouse me. He’d ensured that even though it was supposed to teach me a lesson, I’d taken my pleasure in the whole experience. I was a little sore, but even as I pressed my thighs together, I couldn’t deny that I kind of liked it. My ass, still full of the smaller plug, throbbed with the residual sting from the belt, but just thinking about being spanked again by my captors made me wet.

Why did this group of four men not want to hurt me? I’d killed members of their species and fought them at every turn.

I studied Coltan then, trying to figure out the answer.

Tags: Sara Fields Vakarran Captives Erotic