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She faltered a little at my touch.

For a scant second, I saw her give in, but just as quickly, her defenses rose right back up. Behind her, I saw Aedan pull his dagger from his waist. I’d had my fun. It was time for her to meet Aedan’s harsher side. I released her then and Aedan pounced, grabbing a fistful of her hair and jerking her head so that she fell back against his chest.

“What’s this talk of things being easy for her? She’s a killer. She’s killed Vakarrans, a crime that deserves death. She’s no better than an animal, a body to fuck so that she gives us sons. That’s all,” he growled, and I saw her eyes harden with restrained fury.

She was smart. She kept silent, waiting and assessing, cool and calculating.

She wouldn’t execute her next move until she was sure it was well worth it.

Aedan took her by the hair and roughly tore her leather jacket from her arms. She remained pliable, allowing him to disrobe her. Once he finished that, he flipped her around so that she was facing him. Even when he took his dagger and placed it at the collar of her shirt, she didn’t flinch or react.

He cut through her thin cotton shirt in mere seconds. He sheathed his dagger then and unbuttoned her pants with his free hand. Pushing her pants down over her waist, her cargos fell to the floor.

“Kick off your shoes,” he ordered, and she slowly complied, her gaze ever wary.

She stood in nothing but her bra and panties now, and I sucked in my breath. Her curves were even more beautiful and delicate than I imagined. Her hips flared out, gorgeous and wide enough to bear our children comfortably. Her stomach was flat and toned, her body musculature strong from years of living off the land. It was clear she hadn’t led an easy life, from the few scars I could see on her thighs and one on her belly. They looked like scratches from some form of animal. She could hunt then too.

Aedan took his dagger out again and slipped it between her breasts, underneath her bra. She stiffened just a hair as he cut through her bra, releasing her pert breasts to our view. Her bra drifted apart even further, and I was rewarded with the sight of her hard pink buds. I wanted to touch them.

He cut the straps next and the material fell to the floor.

Left in only her underwear, she trembled a little then.

Ruthlessly, he cut the sides of her panties, the delicate fabric slicing easily, just like warm butter. He released her then, allowing her to process the fact that she was standing before us entirely nude and that she hadn’t had a choice in the matter.

Oddly enough, her eyes searched for me then. I smiled softly, offering her comfort in my gaze. Aedan circled around her like a predator.

I took the moment to enjoy her nakedness, to admire her full perky breasts, her curvy hips, and her delightful round ass. I would enjoy reddening those cheeks of hers the first chance I got.

Aedan reached out and slapped one of her breasts. The sound echoed in the silent tent. Her eyes tore back to him and I watched her fury grow, her chest rising and falling with her restraint. From my vantage point, her pale skin colored slightly from the power of his hand and I knew both Aedan and Jax would enjoy marking her with their touch as much as I would.

“You think you’re too good for Vakarran law? Think you can make your own rules and not suffer the consequences?” Aedan pressed. I saw a certain glimmer in his eyes then. He was enjoying the bad guy role quite a bit much. I even saw Jax smirk with amusement before he covered his lips with his hand. Zaavyr sat down at his desk at the other side of the room and started fiddling with some papers, probably reading some reports from ongoing conquests throughout the galaxy, but he was watching. I know he was; he always did.

Kira stood still, her breath coming out in soft little angry pants. Her fingers tightened into fists at her sides, but she still didn’t react. She knew she was outnumbered. Now in our camp, she was at an extreme disadvantage, surrounded by Vakarrans and other enslaved humans.

Aedan reached forward and gripped her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

“Look at these hard nipples. Your body is calling for me,” he said, and she gritted her teeth, her shoulders flinching inward from the unexpected pain. He held her there for a good minute, before he released her, and she cried out quietly, although stoically from the sting of his harsh touch.

Although I expected her to bend to him, just a little, she didn’t. Instead she looked even angrier than before. If Aedan wasn’t careful, she’d steal his dagger and slit his throat without a care in the world. That much was obvious.

“If she attempts to kill us, she’s going after you first, Aedan,” I said silently.

Aedan chuckled softly. He knew it.

“Admit it, human. Tell me you want me,” Aedan pressed.

She stiffened and glared at him.

“Fuck you, Vakarran,” she sneered.

His hand drew back, as if he was going to slap her. Instead he swung his hand and purposely slowed it before his palm made contact. He patted her face in a chiding manner as he made a disappointed clicking sound with his tongue.

The hellion didn’t move an inch.

Jax cleared his throat in an effort to disguise his chuckle.

He took his hand and guided it over her neck, his palm settling directly on top of her windpipe. I knew that with a single grip, he could crush her throat and kill her in an instant. I’d seen him do it to our enemies before. Her fingers stretched out wide and then clenched into fists again by her sides. He pressed upward, forcing her up onto her toes in front of him.

Tags: Sara Fields Vakarran Captives Erotic