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I wanted to keep going.

I started to run, and he moved more quickly than I expected. He rushed after me and grabbed the back of my neck, stopping me in my tracks and swiftly turning me back to face him. I stared into his eyes, fearful for what he was going to do to me next. I expected him to rip my clothes off and spank me for running, but that’s not what happened. Instead, he did something that I didn’t expect at all.

He kissed me, hard.

I tried not to respond but his lips were so persistent and so strong. His fingers spread wide against my back, pressing me against him. His warmth surrounded me, and I felt myself begin to respond.

I kissed him back and he growled as he possessed me. His cock throbbed against my belly and I could feel myself growing wet as he claimed me for himself. His kiss consumed me, and I moaned into his mouth as his teeth grazed my lips. He bit me gently, before pulling away.

Quickly, he turned me around and he spanked me hard. I squeaked and he gripped my shoulders, squeezing them gently before he released me.

The loss of his touch made me feel empty.

He sighed and I swung my head around to see him wave his arm in the air. The sound of a helicopter starting up sounded from high above, emerging from the top of a cliff I could just barely see. It landed a short distance away from us and the driver hopped out and approached the two of us.

“Take her wherever she wants to go,” Matteo told the man and then he turned back to me. “I want you to remember something for me, baby girl. I want you to remember a code. You will be able to dial that code into any phone and it will connect you straight to me. If you’re ever in any trouble, or if you decide to return, you will dial that code and I will help you. No matter what it is,” he continued.

I stared suspiciously in return at him, not sure why he was being so kind all of a sudden.

“You’re not going to punish me?”

“No, baby girl, although I should warn you, if you do call me and ask to return, I will claim your last virgin hole as mine and before I do, you’re going to show it to me,” he warned.

I blushed heavily.

“What is the code?” I asked, trying to push his promise from my mind.

“011-2358. Remember that for me, baby girl,” he said softly. I reached for his fingers and brought them to my lips, kissing them softly.

“Thank you for this,” I whispered.

“Anything for you, baby girl,” he replied.

He let go of me and helped me to climb into the helicopter. As it lifted up into the air, I stared down at the king and tears came to my eyes unbidden. I had no idea why I started to cry, and I didn’t try to stop the sobs from coming.

I was saying goodbye to a life that I could have had, but the thing that hurt most of all was that I was leaving Matteo behind too.

Chapter Ten

Isabella De Luca

Six weeks later

I was lonely.

I sighed heavily as I sipped at my coffee in the middle of the café in downtown Rome. I had decided against returning to the States because it had felt too far away from the home that I’d made here in Italy for the past several years. I tried to ignore the fact even being here felt too far away from Matteo. I had attempted to move on and get a handle on my life, even though I couldn’t stop thinking about the king in the mountains. I’d been hired as a manager at a local stock firm that oversaw a number of high-profile portfolios. I was grateful for the work because it was allowing me to gain experience in managing a team and making decisions that would affect them all.

After I had left the king, I found that my bank account had been padded quite substantially. My landlord had insisted on moving me from my entry-level student flat to a penthouse sui

te that he managed downtown, and he hadn’t taken no for an answer. The lingerie, clothes, and jewelry that the king had bought me during my tour of his kingdom arrived, along with myriad expensive gifts and furniture once I moved into my new apartment. I couldn’t refuse them or even return them, because that would have meant that I would have had to call him back and I wasn’t quite ready for that yet.

I took another sip of my café latte, licking the whipped cream from my lip as I contemplated the meaning of my life.

I didn’t want to admit it, but I missed being around the king. I missed his strong, overwhelming presence and the soft way he kissed me. I’d gone on a number of dates since I had come back to Rome, but all of them felt empty and tediously dull compared to the time I had spent with Matteo. Nothing seemed to compare and that annoyed me quite a lot.

“Hey there, beautiful,” some dude said from a nearby table. I ignored the voice for a while, pretending not to hear it. Apparently, this guy wasn’t used to being disregarded though and shortly thereafter, he was standing by my table as if he was God’s gift to mankind. I couldn’t stop my eyes from rolling back in my head.

Fucking hell.

Tags: Sara Fields Erotic