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He pulled free of my entrance and slapped my pussy hard enough to make me cry out in unexpected agony and needy arousal that refused to fade no matter what he did to me. I hummed with need as his palm reignited the burning lines of fire his belt had painted between my thighs. The sound of his skin slapping against my wet folds was embarrassingly loud and I blushed even harder.

“Please,” I begged. I felt like I was burning up. I wanted him so badly that it hurt.

He sat down beside me and pulled me onto his lap. I was facing him, and his eyes searched mine, taking in my shame and enjoying every second of it.

“I want you to lower yourself down on my cock, little omega, but you’re going to keep your eyes on mine as you take every last inch. Do you understand me?” he commanded. His gaze was level with my own and the darkness in his eyes was terrifying at the same time that it was arousing. My entire body quaked hard and I wound my arms around his neck. At first, my movements were tentative, and he growled, forcing my core to twist in needy agony. I cried out and forced myself to move faster despite the ache hurtling through me. I rose up and situated myself above him, feeling the head of his cock against my entrance and I drew in an anxious breath.

“Faster, little omega. If I’m not impressed, I’ll neglect that needy little pussy and fuck your naughty bottom instead,” he threatened.

I keened as I lowered myself more swiftly, forcing the enormous tip of his cock inside me even though it hurt. I was so wet that he slipped inside me with ease, but that didn’t stop my body from burning as it stretched to take his massive girth. I whimpered and I cried as I took every last inch, but when my backside finally touched his thighs, I sighed with relief. He never took his eyes from mine and watched every last detail as I took him inside me. It was shameful and powerful, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

It hurt. It felt wonderful. It was exactly what I needed.

I had missed this. I needed him right now and I pressed myself against his chest. My arms remained wound around his neck and my inner walls fluttered around his length.

“I can feel your pretty little pussy tightening around my cock, little omega,” he murmured, and my blush deepened. His eyes searched mine and I almost felt like he could see all the way down into the very depths of my soul. Our bond pulsed steadily, and my entire body felt as though it had stepped into an open flame.

Hesitantly, I dropped my eyes down to his shoulder and then back to his gaze.

“Ride me hard, little omega. Wear yourself out on my cock and I might just reward you with my knot,” he demanded.

I didn’t think. I just did.

My hips rolled forward and I moaned, feeling his cock scraping against my cervix. I lifted my hips and lowered them, riding him in a smooth motion and taking every inch. He placed his hand between my thighs and angled it in such a way that I would tease my clit every time I rocked forward when I rode his cock.

I lost myself.

His cock was so big, and I was already too far gone. My bottom ached from his belt and my sore and well-spanked pussy was tender and so very sensitive; my arousal spiked so quickly that it left me reeling.

“You’re riding my cock like a little omega that needs another taste of her alpha’s belt,” he warned, and my entire body quaked as I approached the edge of bliss. His threat only made me hotter and I started rocking back and forth even more quickly than before. I dug my nails into his shoulder, using him for support as I rode him faster and faster. My clit pulsed hard several times and then the only thing I knew was endless incredible ecstasy.

White-hot light blinded me as I lost myself in one release after the next. With his fingers on my clit and his cock inside me, there was nothing I could do to fight the consuming pleasure that threatened to destroy me. I rode him as hard as I dared, not caring that my muscles were sore or that my nipples were hard as they scraped against the hair on his chest.

Instinct surged inside me.

He was my alpha. My mate. Mine.

A primal need came over me like I’d never experienced before.

I needed to complete the pair bond. He’d chosen me and now I wanted to choose him. I turned my head and gazed at his shoulder. I lowered my lips and kissed him gently. He purred and my pussy spasmed around his cock and at that moment, every rational thought in my mind was obliterated all at once.

The urge to mark him as mine was too strong and I didn’t fight it. I gave in. Without pause, I bit into his flesh and the pair bond exploded between us even more fiercely than when he had marked me. It forced me into an instant orgasm that overwhelmed me in infinite sensation that threatened to render me undone.

We were one.



Together forever.

It was even more incredible than I had imagined. I’d heard rumors of a fully forged pair bond, but I’d never seen one and I’d certainly never felt one until now. An alpha could claim an omega, but if she never marked him in return, the bo

nd would only be partially formed.

Nothing could have prepared me for something like this. It was so powerful that my eyes rolled back in my head and I trembled under its raw primal intensity.

Our connection was complete. I could feel his thoughts, his emotions, his fear, his anger, but most important of all, I could feel his love and he could feel mine. I rode him hard and fast, taking him as deeply as I could. I never wanted to stop.

Tags: Sara Fields Alpha Brotherhood Paranormal