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“No, Alpha,” I whisp

ered hoarsely.

He toyed with the wet folds between my thighs and my body responded. My hips wiggled back and forth and when he lightly teased my clit, I ground my pelvis into his fingertips.

“Naughty girl, are you trying to make yourself come on my fingers?” he chided.

“Yes, Alpha.”

He leaned down so that his lips were level with my ear.

“I’m going to whip this bare little bottom with my belt. I want you to think about that, little omega, but I also want you to think about something else. When I’m through with your bottom, I’m going to take my belt to your greedy little cunt. I’m going to make sure that you remember that your orgasms are no longer yours. They’re mine. Do you understand me?” he warned.

I shook with arousal and fear and such powerful need that I was afraid it would destroy me from within.

“I understand, Alpha,” I answered, unable to stem the desire in my voice. I was terrified of feeling his belt between my thighs, but at the same time it was driving me mad with heat. I couldn’t stop the way my pussy tightened when I thought about what was going to happen. He laid the warm leather across my sore backside and I trembled anxiously.

His other hand pressed against my lower back, holding me firmly in place. I tensed. He didn’t move and I forced myself to relax.

“Spread your legs for me,” he instructed, and I immediately obeyed.

“Good girl,” he murmured, and a warm haze of happiness floated over me. My hips lifted for him and he rewarded me with a stray touch that flitted teasingly along my pussy. The belt left my bottom after that. He flicked it softly against my naked cheeks several times, lulling me into a false sense of security before the first real lash bit into my skin.

He paused for a moment, tracing his fingers over the mark he’d left behind as it blossomed and intensified into a burning line of fire that took my breath away. I keened loudly and couldn’t help myself as my body rocked back and forth while I processed the pain. He laid the belt back down on my backside and I attempted to prepare myself for what was to come.

It was silly of me to even try.

He whipped my bottom six times, starting at the top of my cheeks and stopping at the middle of my thighs. Overwhelmed with painful sensation, I tried to manage the rising tide of agony, but it was useless. With every second that passed, the burning ache intensified. I cried out. I writhed over the pillow, but nothing stopped the scalding bite of the belt.

And it had only just begun.

He punished my bottom with that terrible leather strap until I was on the brink of tears and still, he didn’t stop. I gasped for air and my eyes watered. At that moment, he grabbed another pillow and made me lift my hips so that my bottom was raised even higher for him. Once again, he commanded that I keep my legs spread for him and I did, although I didn’t know how much more control that I’d be able to have over them once the belt began falling once again. I whimpered and his fingers delved between my thighs once more.

“So much wetter than before, little omega. Are you ready to break for me?” he asked.

“Yes, Alpha,” I whispered even though I was terrified of giving him confirmation.

The warm leather pressed against my skin and his other hand returned to my lower back, holding me in place. Even though I knew this was going to hurt, his flesh against mine was a comfort and the bond pulsed hard between us because of it.

The belt whipped me hard and fast after that. Tears edged at the corners of my vision and soon enough, they began to drip down my cheeks. I wailed and cried, but the belt bit into my bottom again and again until I was sobbing and pleading for mercy. He thoroughly marked my backside with that belt, ensuring to lash my bottom and my thighs hard enough so that I knew sitting would hurt for the next several days.

My tears weren’t falling just from the belt, however. The accumulation of years of hurt and sadness, from being taken against my will to having my child taken away and being forced to live under the thumb of the Cult, poured out of me and it was as if a terrible weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Vikar had taken that from me and given me that freedom. Together, we’d freed Esme and now we would had the rest of our lives to enjoy each other as a family.

I loved him.

I adored him.

I needed him.

Carefully, he lifted my body from the pillows and deposited me on the bed.

“On your knees, little omega. Lean down on your elbows and present that soaking wet pussy for me. I want to see it before I turn it bright pink with my belt,” he commanded.

I was lost in an endless sense of freedom, arousal, and need. I’d given him the reins and he’d taken control completely.

I arranged myself as he instructed and arched my back, showing him how much I needed him right now. He took his time in looking at me and I bit my lip as I waited. I squirmed just a little, hoping to entice him, but I was only rewarded with the warm leather of his belt pressing against my wet folds.

I whimpered quietly, unable to stop myself. He didn’t move to strike me with it just yet; instead he just left it there and made me think about how much it was going to hurt to take his lash on my wet and bare pussy.

Tags: Sara Fields Alpha Brotherhood Paranormal