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“So be it. Tell me what you need me to do,” I declared.

The Ghost turned to me, the corners of his gaze lifting up in an expectant smile. His eyes sparkled with challenge and excitement.

“The plan has been put into motion several weeks ago when the gods first started whispering in my ear. I’ve reached out to the tribes of the wilds, to the cities at the edges of the world and our forces are beginning to gather. All I have to do is call for them, but that’s not the most important cog that I will put into motion. I have gathered much intel on the Cult, but I remain blind in a great many ways. I aim to change that,” he answered. He whistled twice in quick succession and the front door to my home opened.

A small woman walked inside. Her hair was so light blonde that it almost bordered on white. She was petite and I instinctually recognized that she was an omega. I could also identify the fact that she was an unclaimed one. She lifted her pretty blue eyes and walked over to the Ghost’s side, holding my gaze with the distinctive defiance that only omegas were capable of.

“This is Ariana. She’s going to infiltrate the Cult’s ranks and help destroy them from within. You see, much of the backbone of the Cult’s power relies on the sale of omegas to powerful alphas throughout the world. You and I both know the omegas they take are forced into pair bonds against their will,” he explained.

“I don’t understand what this has to do with Luna,” I interrupted.

“Your mate has a daughter, doesn’t she, Sage Vikar?” he questioned.

“She does,” I answered carefully.

“Tell me her name,” he responded.

“Esme,” I replied swiftly.

He sighed.

“That’s what I was afraid of. The Cult has big plans for the sale of a young omega that goes by that name. She has yet to come of age, but the Cult has already begun to spread rumors of the beautiful omega daughter that was born from the mating of a king and his omega. Thranar was known for his prowess in battle and they’ve allowed the knowledge of his death to fester. It would bring whoever bought her great prestige to lay claim to her womb so that they may breed strong and powerful warrior children of their own. Kings from far and wide are already beginning to bid on her though she is years away from sale. As such, she has been hidden somewhere in Ravenrath that aims to keep her safely in their clutches until it is time for the official auction to be held.”

I gritted my teeth.

“Their evil knows no bounds,” I snarled, having extreme difficulty containing my anger.

“We’re going to rescue Luna and stop them in their tracks. Ariana is going to help us do it,” the Ghost answered.

“Why her?” I asked.

“Ariana is a special omega,” he began.

I peered back at the tiny blonde ball of fire.

“Who are you exactly, Ariana?” I asked.

“I’m the Ghost’s daughter,” she answered.

For a long moment, I stopped and stared at her in silence.

“Are you ready to go to war, Ariana?” I asked her carefully.

Her eyes flashed.

“I am,” she answered. I met her eyes with mine and nodded once.

“Good. Because we’re going to tear them apart.”

Chapter Nine


The days passed by painfully slowly. The bond made my body ache with misery, the separation between Vikar and me weighing heavier on me the longer we were apart. He felt so far away, and I hoped that he would come for me soon. Every second that I was kept from him felt like a gradual journey to the brink of death.

I didn’t know how long I would be able to bear it.

The endless seconds ticked by. My tongue grew as dry as cotton and my lips cracked painfully. I thought I would likely die of thirst deep underground in this dank cell. Maybe my father had forgotten me. Maybe he wanted to send an even deeper message and had left me to die. I became so desperate for water that I began to lift my face toward the ceiling with an open mouth in hopes of catching the tiny droplets of water that had been dripping onto my forehead all along.

Tags: Sara Fields Alpha Brotherhood Paranormal