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“You’re stronger than I realized, Luna. You’re a true omega, fiercely protective of her young, highly intelligent and resourceful and I’m going to be so proud to be able to call you mine,” he said softly, his tone earnest and true.

I stared at him. There wasn’t even an ounce of dishonesty in his eyes, in his words, or in the way that his body moved. I didn’t say anything, and he lifted me up and sat me down on the rock. My bottom was sore inside and out and I sucked in a breath as the pain from my switching reignited with a scalding sensation. I watched him as he thoroughly washed his cock, quite enamored by the sight and then the momentary flash of sanity that had come over me once he’d figured out my secret fled away with the wind.

My heat returned with agonizing swiftness, driving me mad with need. My pussy pulsed and my clit throbbed.

His cock was enormous. My bottom hole ached because of it.

“Turn over on your belly,” he commanded. “I’m going to fuck your pretty little pussy through every last moment of your heat, little omega. Then, I’m going to claim you as mine, once and for all,” he declared.

I shivered and obeyed. I spread my legs and lifted my hips, telling him with my body that I was ready to be fucked good and hard.

My pussy was still aching wet. My legs were soaked with slick. The head of his cock nudged at the entrance to my pussy.

He thrust into me hard, pushing the entirety of his cock into my pussy in one ruthless motion. I cried out as my body fought his intrusion, but when he began to fuck me hard and rough, I keened with pleasure.

He was finally giving me what I needed. I screamed as the thick ridges of his cock slammed in and out of my entrance. My inner walls clutched at his length, demanding every last inch again and again.

My core rattled and exploded with much needed bliss. I shook hard and he fucked me even harder. His hips slapped against my welted backside, reigniting the pain and serving as a reminder of his dominance over me as an alpha. He fucked my pussy hard, punishing it with his cock just as firmly as he had punished it with the switch.

I lost track of how many times I came. It didn’t matter. My world turned into one endless stream of orgasms, driven by the need to breed. I was no longer capable of rational thought and I stopped trying. Instead, I just felt the burning arousal pumping through my veins. My skin itched with desire for more and my body started to move entirely of its own accord. My back arched and his hard cock took me even more deeply than before. My pussy opened for him as he thrust into me roughly, forcing every last inch inside me before his pelvis pressed firmly against my backside.

My arousal poured down my legs. My slick pooled beneath me.

He lifted me off the rock and tossed my cloak onto a soft mound of mossy ground. He pulled out of me and deftly put me down on my back, before he slid his cock back inside me. His body pressed against mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him close and taking everything that he gave me.

I welcomed his warmth. I wanted his touch and when he pushed all the way inside me, I screamed his name as I came for him.

I scratched at his back. I held onto him for dear life and then I felt the base of his cock begin to inflate inside me. His knot hooked behind the bone of my pelvis, securing us together as one.

“Please give me your seed, Alpha,” I begged.

“This omega pussy is mine,” he growled, and my core cramped down hard. My walls clutched desperately at his length even as his knot continued to grow. It hurt in the most delicious kind of way and I lost every last shred of sanity I had left.

The first spurt of his hot seed inside was like a fire brand that hurtled me straight into orgasm. I was hardly even aware of his teeth scraping at my shoulder and when he bit down hard and broke through the skin, a brilliant burst of white light blinded me.

He’d bonded himself to me. He’d claimed me as his in the most primal way imaginable.

I screamed his name.

His cum marked my pussy, declaring the first of many such couplings that would be needed to subdue estrous. My orgasm ravaged me from within. The pair bond blinded me in its comforting light. It was as if I had transcended onto another fiery plane of pleasure that went higher than all the rest. Deeper. Faster. So much stronger.

It was everything.

With every spurt of his scalding hot seed, my orgasm strengthened until at long last, I broke entirely. When it finally ende

d, I was only vaguely aware that my face was damp from my tears. I tasted the salt on my lips and when I released a soft cry, Vikar gripped the hair firmly at the back of my scalp and wrenched my head back toward him. He claimed me with a deep and sultry kiss that left no question in my mind that he now owned me.

Mind. Body. And soul.

He drew me into his arms after that, holding me close. His knot still held us together as one and it would for some time so that it ensured that his seed remained in my body for as long as possible.

The pair bond between us pulsed, a warm caress of adoration that I’d never had the opportunity to experience before. It was comforting and the moment it had connected between us, I knew that I could trust Vikar completely. I could feel his emotions and how very much he wanted to keep me safe, but there was something else there that I hadn’t expected.

He didn’t just want to protect me. He also wanted to protect my daughter.

My instincts had told me I could trust him, but I had needed to be wary.

My instincts had been right.

Tags: Sara Fields Alpha Brotherhood Paranormal