Page 69 of Snow's Storm

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I feel like crap. I spent the night with Scott. I didn’t sleep with him, but I got super drunk and passed out in his trailer.

I did it the other day as well, and when Shane asked me about Scott, we got into an argument.

I have tried introducing Scott to my family, but he gets nervous. It’s kind of adorable.

“How are you feeling?” Afton asks me.

“Like crap.” I rub the back of my neck, tilting my head from side to side, trying to relieve the kinks.

“You should . . . in many ways. You reek of alcohol,” he says, before moving to join the others to hear what Carlton has to say.

“You don’t smell that bad,” Scott says from behind me.

“Thanks,” I mumble. “I can’t hold my liquor like I used to.”

“The important thing is you had fun.” He smirks.

“I did,” I agree.

“See you later,” he says. “Maybe we can get a hotdog after.”

“Yeah, just text me.” I wave him off as Carlton finishes the instructions for the task.

“Why can’t we just wear our costumes?” a girl in the back asks. I think her name is Sarah, but I don’t know all of them, nor do I care to.

“Because in the tradition of Halloween, some kids had to make their own,” I tell them. “You can use sacks and hay and things you find around the farm.”

“But I won’t look cute anymore,” one girl, who looks like she’s never gotten her hands dirty a day in her life, whines. I mean, she looks like she lives in a salon, and I don’t mean this in a good way. Too much makeup, way too much to be living on a farm—not that she will be—ever. Her tan is so dark, it makes her teeth look like white Christmas lights in broad daylight.

“Oh, come off it. That nose job isn’t helping, either,” another girl insults her.

I should know their names by now.

“You bitch,” the whiny girl snaps.

“All right, ladies, you have thirty minutes to make your costumes,” Carlton warns, and everyone takes off—everyone except Afton.

“You have to get Harvey?” I ask him.

He only nods in response.

“Go get Snow. She can help you.” I turn and head toward the house. I need a shower and change of clothes. And aspirin. I head straight upstairs and almost collapse on my bed. I’m in need of a nap.

Tags: Cedar Rose Erotic