Page 62 of Snow's Storm

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“To the man,” Ava yells, pumping her fist in the air.

“You heard Carlton: free-for-all. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle, isn’t it?” Mary laughs as Ava launches herself at her again.

I can’t help but cover my mouth and snicker as I watch.

“Ladies, grab a pumpkin or leave,” Carlton warns.

Stopping mid-catfight, Mary and Ava jerk their heads in Carlton’s direction, then after a second or two, they stalk to separate corners.

Then it’s back to watching the men who seem to have a handle on how to operate.

“Nice shot, Rudi,” I holler over to him, and he gives me a thumbs-up.

Okay, I’m still being a dick. And I can’t even say why.

“Good job, Afton and Mike.” I quirk a grin.

Afton offers a weak smile in return.

The girls are trying to figure out how to work the contraption. Rudi offers to help, but several flip him the bird.

“Every man for themselves,” I tell him, and he grins.

Mary gets one working. Aspen gets another working. Once Aspen goes, she’s nice enough to show Ava.

Three others jump on Aspen’s rig.

It’s fun watching them pull and the pumpkins go flying.

Now there’s a nice flow—and silence.


“Snow is upset,” Silas says as he comes and sits on the fence with me.

“Why? Because I slept in my old room?”

“No, she thought she saw Ben again.” He shakes his head, shifting to face me. “God, you’re a dick today.”

Fuck, I am.

Glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, I tell him, “I’ll check on her when I can.”

“Some guy is talking about how you’re having a drink with him later. Is this true?” He raises an eyebrow, seemingly in challenge.

“He’s an old friend.” It’s not a lie.

“If you say so. Shane and Snow have been through enough. If you’re going to be a dick and fuck around, then just leave them.”

“I said he’s an old friend,” I argue, my temper surging, wanting to be done with this conversation.

“All right.” He holds his hands up in surrender.

“How’s things at the gym?” I ask, changing the subject.

“Oscar’s doing good. He’ll be ready.”

“Yeah, thanks for that.”

Tags: Cedar Rose Erotic