Page 59 of Snow's Storm

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“The contest is still going on,” Shane says.

“Beer?” Brick asks, handing one to Ariel.

“I’m good for now,” I tell him. “But thank you.”

“Good to see you back to your old self,” Brick says. “Now Ariel can get back to cooking.”

“I knew you were using me.” Shane snickers.

“Maybe a little.” She smirks, then kisses Brick on the cheek. “But you ate good didn’t you, sweetie?”

“I did. But you’re a good cook, just lazy.” He ducks his head to hide his laughter.

“Wow.” She slaps his arm, her mouth hanging open.

“Truth comes out.” Shane laughs, moving away from the couple.

“I’m going to go over and talk to Ever.” Ariel mock-pouts. “She likes me.”

I snicker.

“Snow, can you grab the corn and sweet potatoes? I need to put them on the grill.”

“Yeah.” I pivot on a heel to head inside, when two familiar eyes lock on me, and I start to tremble.

How is he here? Why is he here? How did he find me?

“Snow?” Shane clutches my hand, trying to get my attention.

“He’s here,” I whisper.


“On it.” He bounds down the steps in search of Ben.

“Snow, we just talked about this.” Ariel runs to my side when she realizes what’s going on.

“I know, but they looked just like his.” I’m going crazy.

“He’s not here,” Shane whispers into my hair.

Silas joins us. “And if he does come, he has to get through us.”

“Thank you,” I say as Brick hands me a beer.

“It’ll take the edge off.” He gives me a reassuring smile.

I immediately take a long drink, letting the chill of the brew overwhelm my senses. Even if for just a moment.

“Go sit with Ever,” Shane says, “and Silas here will be my gopher.”

“Hey,” Silas protests, narrowing his eyes at Shane.

“Thank you,” I tell them, and Ariel walks over with me.

“Have you been having doubts? Or anymore nightmares lately?” she asks, linking her arm around mine.

“Doubts, maybe.” I shrug, my heart still pounding. “But I haven’t had a nightmare in a long time. Not one that I can remember.”

Tags: Cedar Rose Erotic