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Iwalk around with the girls, window shopping at first. We walk in a couple of stores and I find a couple of dresses that will be perfect for New York or anywhere for that matter. One is a tight sweater dress, low back, long sleeves, black. It would be cute with boots and colored tights. I also find a couple pairs of jeans and shirts with a few cardigans to go with them. Everyone knows I love cardigans.

“Oh, sports store,” I tell Tana and rush in, and then I feel lost in here. A nice salesperson helps me find wraps like they use at the gym because the differences in gloves makes my head spin. I also get him a gift card so he can come back and get what he wants. I do find him some workout shorts and get those. A mouth guard, he needs one and if he wants to fight, he will have the correct gear for it.

“He will like all of it,” Tana reassures me. I hope so.

After putting it off for as long as I can we come to the dress shop. I need a dress for the party and this is the best shop.

“Carla?” I ask as we walk in. She beams at me as she rounds a corner.

“Briar, I knew I would see you again. Tana and Embry, you both look lovely as always,” she smiles at us.

“Good to see you, Carla,” Embry hugs her and then steps back so Tana can do the same.

“I pulled some dresses for you already, they are in the dressing rooms,” she chuckles. She knew we would be in. She leads us to the rooms and shows us which room is ours. When I close my door I’m in, I only see one dress and it’s breathtaking. I have to hand it to Carla, she’s good. The dress is red, with twisted spaghetti straps. The top is low cut, tight and the bottom billows out, with a slit up to my hip and sparkly. Kingston will love and hate that all at the same time.

I stare at myself in the mirror and this dress is perfect.

“Can I get your opinion?” I ask loud enough for them to hear.

“Come on out,” Tana says and I take a breath before opening my door and stepping out of the room. All three of them gasp.

“Oh Briar, it’s beautiful,” Embry says.

“Kingston is going to flip his shit,” Tana chuckles.

“You guys really like it?” I ask skeptically.

“Like it? I think I can speak for all of us and say we love it,” Carla beams and I take another look at myself in the mirror.

“I even have a shawl that can go with it. I know you have an outdoor wedding to attend,” Carla says, rushing off to get that.

“Thanks,” I say and then I slap my forehead.

“What’s wrong?” Tana looks concerned.

“I forgot to get King something,” I reply and Embry snorts.

“Go ahead and change and we can help you pick something out for him,” Tana says.

“I found the shawl,” Carla says, showing me a faux fur white shawl, “and I picked these for you.” She shows me some shoes. Red shoes, the same color as my dress, like exactly the same color with rhinestones.

“Thank you,” I whisper before I start blubbering.

“Go ahead and change and hand me the dress. I’ll pack everything up and send them to the penthouse,” Carla says, and I step back in and slip out of the dress, handing it over before throwing my clothes back on.

I hug Carla before we head out to look for a gift for King, thanking her for everything.

“What do you get the man that has everything or can buy it for himself?” I whine, as we walk around.

“Good question. Does he have a jacket or coat yet?” Embry asks and I shrug.

“I don’t know. I mean he probably has thirty of them,” I reply and Tana snickers.

“Well let’s start there,” Embry ignores my whining and Tana’s snicker, rolling her eyes as we walk around the mall for another round. I stop at a jewelry store as some cufflinks catch my attention. They’re skulls with red eyes, like the color of my dress.

“I think they’re gorgeous,” Tana says as I ask the lady to wrap the box up.

Tags: Cedar Rose Erotic