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“Just use it,” he smiles at me as I stare at him.

I don’t care about his money, I love him because of the way he treats us. He’s an amazing man. I listen to them banter back and forth, about mundane topics and I can’t help but smile as I watch Thorn’s eyes light up. It makes my heart swell with love.


“Can you guys go wait out front? I’ll grab the car,” I tell them and wait until Thorn pulls his sister out to the fountain in front of the hotel.

“I’ll be right there,” I call after them, not that they hear me.

I walk to the front desk and lean against the counter, clearing my throat.

“Ah, Kingston. I hope everything is to your liking,” the man behind the counter smiles at me.

“It is, Daniel,” I nod. Daniel has been around for a long time, he’s the father figure I need sometimes.

“Good, glad to hear it,” he beams.

“I have a favor to ask,” I lean closer and so does he.

“Anything, you know that,” he says.

“I want to give my girlfriend and her brother a good Christmas and with my house still a crime scene, we will be having it here. I was wondering if you could have someone decorate the penthouse with Christmas decorations and a tree while we are out?” I know my request is last minute and it might not happen, and that’s okay. I’m hopeful though.

“Say no more, I promise it will be done before you get back,” Daniel smiles and I relax.

“Thank you, Daniel. I appreciate it,” and I mean it.

“No problem,” he waves me off, dismissing me and I chuckle, he’s the only one that can get away with that. This makes me happy and I can’t wait to see their faces when the penthouse is all decorated. I go and grab the car, pulling around to pick them up and we head to the mall.

My sisters are waiting out front for us when I pull up to park. Briar’s face turns up in a smile and she waves at them both. Embry drags her away for a few moments and Tana slides up next to me.

“Did you decide on what to get her?” she whispers.

“I think so. I got this,” I whisper back, not wanting Briar to overhear this conversation and think something bad.

“Good. Text me if you need anything. We got her,” she says as Embry and Briar join us. I kiss her quickly and wave her off.

“Ladies, have a good day. Oh, she needs warm clothes for New York,” I say and Tana nods.

“We got it,” Embry says as I kiss Briar one more time before dragging Thorn in the opposite direction.

“Where to first?” he asks when we’re out of range. He sounds like he wants to get started or get this over with.

“I need to go to a jewelry store. I want to buy her a necklace and you can give her matching earrings,” I suggest and he nods.

“Sounds like a plan,” he falls in step as we walk, window shopping along the way.

We enter the jewelry store and I head to the colored stones. Right away, one necklace catches my eye and I know it’s the one.

“Can I help you?” A sales woman asks, eyeing me up and down. It makes me uncomfortable.

“Yeah, I’d like that emerald and diamond necklace and the earrings to match,” I say, “gift wrapped.”

“Oh, okay. Yeah,” she takes the two boxes out of the case and hurries to wrap them. She must have thought I was looking at her, but nope, I’m claimed, and I love Briar. She owns my heart.

I text Tana about the necklace I’m getting Briar and ask if she can pick a dress that will go with it. And as I wait for the necklace and earrings to be wrapped, I browse the engagement rings.

“I was thinking of getting her a locket,” Thorn says, ignoring the fact that I’m looking at engagement rings.

Tags: Cedar Rose Erotic