Page 114 of Fighting For Her Love

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If Aiden says no to my plan, I will be in a run for my money trying to beat him. He’s really gotten good.

“He has a longer reach with his arms and his legs are stronger. Watch his footwork, though. He has a tell right before he hits,” Tristan points out.

I watch his feet for a few seconds before I see what he’s talking about.

“Good catch. You’re getting better at this, Tristan. I’m proud of you. Can’t wait until your next fight,” I beam.

“I learned from the best,” Tristan smirks.

“I know I’m the best,” I puff out my chest.

“Cocky much?” Briar teases the both of us, as she settles in next to me

“Sweetheart, I’ll show you cocky,” I wink at her. Both her and Tristan blush.

It’s the first time I’ve seen him embarrassed at something I’ve said. That’s not what it is. He’s blushing because of Briar. Cute.

“Keep it in your pants, Storm,” she wags her finger at me.

“For now, I will,” I say, waggling my eyebrows at her.

“Gross guys. You’re like my parents,” Tristan whines and Thorn gags.

Everyone laughs.

“Guys, remember that Lane could be here. Be on guard,” I say, changing the subject.

They nod.

“Let’s get some sleep. I have to be downstairs in the morning,”

I haul Briar up with me and wave as Tana and Viktor leave. She giggles as I haul her down the hall to the bedroom.

“Put me down, you big oaf,” she snickers.

I set her down gently on the bed and then crawl on top of her, “I like touching you.” She blushes again. It’s a good color on her.

“Can you just hold me tonight?” she asks and I pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her.

I will do anything she asks. I love holding her, knowing she’s close.

“Goodnight, sweetheart,” I whisper in her ear.

“Night,” she whispers back. We’re asleep before too long.

I wake up the next morning and extract myself from the bed, letting her sleep in a little bit and step out to make a phone call to Aiden. I know I’ll see him later this morning, but I should check in.

“How was the flight?” he says upon answering.

“Good. Yours?”

“I live here now, King,” he says, chuckling.

“Wow, I didn’t know you moved. Things change I guess,” I say, shrugging, not that he can see me.

I also feel bad, Aiden is one of my good friends and I haven’t stayed in touch. I used to talk to him all the time, but I basically stopped calling, or answering, so wrapped up in myself. I’m an asshole.

“That they do. When do I get to meet your lovely fiancé?”

Tags: Cedar Rose Erotic