Page 61 of Maybe Hiring

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He gave Mason a sickening smile as he stepped back toward the wall. “Rebecca? I’ll admit, her choosing you over me stung, but I expect not as much as my blade stung her when I cut that bitch into pieces.” He shrugged, dropping his erection, but making no move to put it away. “Let’s just say I have a thing for breaking your toys. I would have killed Claire here, hard and fast if it weren’t for the fact you seemed to like her. Imagine my surprise when you came along, eyeing up my prize.”

The look on Mason’s face was perfectly blank, but I understood him well enough to sense the emotions boiling under the surface. It was his fault Rebecca disappeared, but not for the reasons he imagined. He would never forgive himself for what happened to her, or what was happening here. “Where’s her body, Charles?”

“There’s nothing left of her, so forget your noble ideas of bringing her home to mommy.”

“Trust me, Charles, I have no noble ideas at the moment.”

“Your name is Tyler.” I squeaked, without a speck of reason left in my fear-addled mind.

“You think I use my real name at that shit hole office? God, you are one stupid bitch.”

The muscle in Mason’s jaw ticked furiously at the insult and the stress of the situation. “Charles, I always knew you were a fucked-up son of a bitch. Your mommy never loved you much, huh? That’s why she-”

“Shut the fuck up!” His gun twitched away from me, pointed slightly off toward the corner.

Mason’s eyes trained on his hand. “Mommy liked to fuck the staff and make you watch? Rebecca told me all about it. Sick bitch, that one. No wonder she birthed such a fucked-up pup.” Tyler shook, the gun pointed at the floor near my feet as he was sucked back to another memory, one far less enjoyable than killing the girl from my wall.

At that moment of weakness, Mason pulled a second gun out of his waistband. Tyler’s hand jerked up for only a flash before Mason fired. Two bangs filled the air, canceling out all other sounds. The bullet hit Tyler dead center in his forehead, blowing his brains out, further bathing the word written in blood, and ruining my peace of mind forever. Tyler slumped, sliding down the wall, leaving a trail of gore behind him.

I let out a choking gasp, not understanding what was happening: I couldn’t feel anything, but cold. My palms slid down my stomach and I gasped again when I found warm wetness. Mason only shot Tyler once, but there were two gunshots. I lifted my blood-covered hands and gaped down at the wound in my stomach. This was too much blood; I was going to die.

Mason turned to me, the anger on his face switching to a look of pure agony. It felt like minutes since he killed Tyler, but only seconds passed. Mason raced to my side, laying me flat as my vision blurred around the edges. “I love you.” I gurgled out before everything went black.

Tags: Aurelia Knight Romance