Page 43 of Maybe Hiring

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I sat down in a leather armchair as we waited for our food and coffee. He stood beside me like a sentinel guarding me against anyone’s approach. Leyla smiled at me and gave him a dubious glance when she brought everything over. He grabbed my hand and practically yanked me out of my seat.

“Grab your coffee.” He murmured, but the intensity of it felt like he shouted the words at me. I did as he said, and he pulled me out of the restaurant, shoving the door open in front of him like it offended him personally.

“Mason, what is it?” I shouted over the noise of the street and the anger pouring out of him like another entity surrounding us. I yanked my arm back as hard as I could, forcing him to face me.

“Nothing, Claire.” He barked, and turned back around, pulling me down the street.

We arrived at my building, and he finally looked me in the eye. “I have some work to do. Can I see you again this week?” He shoved both of our breakfasts into my hands.

“Sure, whenever you want,” I muttered, taken aback by his pained expression, and the suddenness of his action.

He smiled at that, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to my lips.

“I’ll call you later tonight. Go inside, and lock the door.” He pulled out his phone and angrily dialed a number as he walked away. I opened the door to the building, and as I climbed the stairs an empty feeling settled into my chest.

Tags: Aurelia Knight Romance