Page 34 of Maybe Hiring

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Some notices advertised gigs bands played weeks ago, poetry slams, and job offerings. It represented an amazing cross-section of the community. I came across a few papers that had no official library seal and wondered about the different types of people, the rule followers, and the rule-breakers. I always thought of myself as the former, but now I was uncertain.

My hands stilled and my heart sank as I read a small piece of paper pinned on top of an advertisement for speed dating.You can’t ignore me, bitch, was scrawled in angry red letters. I wanted to dust it off as a prank, but I realized the writing was familiar.

I went to my office and pulled out the note that Emma found tucked inside Lolita. I was no professional, but the handwriting matched. A chill ran down my spine. I knew the library had security cameras in the common areas, but I didn’t have access to the footage. I would talk to Gavin and see if we couldn’t figure out what was going on.

The shadow I saw took on a more sinister meaning, but it wasn’t possible. All the doors and windows were locked. No one could have gotten in without my knowledge. I took a steadying breath.Whoever left that note, left it during business hours.I soothed myself.

Emma appeared in the doorway, and I jumped halfway across the room. “Damn you’re quiet.”

“I’m sorry, Claire. You’re so jumpy today. Is everything okay?” She looked like she was about to start in on Mason again.

I picked up the paper and handed it to her, “I found this pinned to the bulletin board, and I suspect the same person who left the note inside Lolita wrote it.”

Concern twisted her brow, “What do you think we should do?”

“I’m going to talk to Gavin. For now, be careful, and tell me if anything or anyone acts suspiciously.” She nodded and walked out.

“Oh, Emma, what did you want to ask me?” I called her back before she got too far away.

“It’s nothing. You have enough on your plate.” She waved a dismissive hand like whatever she wanted was unimportant, but that only made me more curious.

“Please, tell me,” I encouraged her, pulling out a chair for her to sit in.

She sat down and glancedaround the office nervously. She was usually so calm and confident. “Well, I know that there’s an opening for a paid position, and I hoped you would consider me. I can give you my updated resume if you need it. I’ve done quite a lot since I started here.”

“How do you know about that? Tammy only tendered her resignation this morning,”

She fidgeted with her hands. “Well, she talked about it for weeks and she sent out a mass text telling us all goodbye. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but-”

“But, nothing.” I cut her off, holding up my hands. “People threaten to quit all the time and don’t follow through. I do not expect you to come tattling to me every time someone complains.”

“I’m so glad you’re not upset, and earlier, I probably overstepped...”

“Emma, I am already considering you. Final selection will be made next week and I’ll keep you posted.” I smiled warmly at her, happy she wanted the job I planned to give to her. If it were solely up to me, she would be hired, but as long as I remained on probation, Gavin had to okay those decisions. I didn’t see any reason he wouldn’t. Doubt niggled in the back of my mind, and I hoped she wasn’t trying to get close to me so I would give her the job.

She left the office, and I sat there mulling over what Eileen, the old librarian, had told me about being careful with Gavin. I surely didn’t think he left the creepy notes around the library, but the entire place had a sense of foreboding. I loved being here, but every change in my life pivoted on this institution, from meeting Mason, to this career, to the threatening notes popping up. “What secrets do you hide?” I asked the walls of my office.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully. The worry about the notes, the shadow, and Emma’s intentions faded into the background, eclipsed by the still pressing concern of what was going on with Mason. I wished those doubts occupied most of my thoughts. That would be the sensible thing, anyway. Instead, I obsessed over his body, and what he could do to me with it.

I headed home from work just after six. Emma was a dreamto close up with and I hoped Gavin would give her the position, even if I doubted her intentions. She seemed authentic, but maybe I sucked at judging character. I called Gavin on the short walk, telling him I wanted to talk to him about a few things. He agreed to meet me at the library on Monday morning. At least I dealt with one thing. The only issue left in my mind was the painful anticipation snaking its way through my system.

I walked into my apartment, pleased with how neatly I kept the place lately. Part of the secret was rarely being home. The outfit I picked earlier laid on the bed. I slipped on the skimpy lingerie I boughtespeciallyfor this occasion. I admired my reflection for a minute before pulling on a silver dress that was a little over the top. It had barely any more fabric than the lingerie, but I felt desirable. I slid my hands over my body, practically panting, thinking about masculine ones replacing my own.

A knock sounded on the door while I finished applying my makeup.A lady doesn’t run.I reminded myself, but who was I kidding? I wasn’t a lady. I pulled back the door, and the breath caught in my throat at the sight of his gorgeous face. He let his hair grow out, and while it was still a bit too short, I greatly preferred this style over his buzz cut. His green eyes sparkled as a breathtaking smile spread across his face.

His tailored navy suit fit his body immaculately. His broad shoulders begged my hands to run over them. “Hello, Mason. Won’t you come in a moment?” I asked in my most seductive voice, then turned, swaying my hips, and hoping to catch his eye, “I’m almost ready.”

He followed me in with a touch of displeasure on his face, “We have a reservation,” he chided. “The front door was propped open, do your neighbors make a habit of risking your safety?”

“They do.” I agreed with a roll of my eyes he didn’t see and mischievous lilt to my voice. His imperious tone irritated me and amused me in equal measure. I couldn’t help but tease him. Fire exploded within me as I turned, launching myself at him, taking his plump, delicious lips with my own. I wrapped my hands around his neck, securing him to me.

The kiss started off soft enough but was rough and passionate by the time I bumped him against the door. He groaned deepwithin his throat as he swept his tongue through my mouth. His cock hardened between us and I greedily reached for him through the expensive fabric of his pants. I stroked him, thinking I won, when he pulled back and said, “Mm, Claire, let’s not miss our reservation.”

I didn’t listen. I gripped his erection more tightly and pressed my hips into him. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back but kept his hands on me to soften the rejection, “Food now, fucking later,” I let out a windy sigh and he laughed as he took my hand in his.

“Are you sure I can’t convince you?” I asked as he held the door for me to the street.

The sun had set and the light from the streetlamps glowed soft and romantic. He ran his thumb over my bottom lip, “You are incredibly appealing, but no,” he placed his knuckle beneath that lip and pinched hard enough to sting, “behave,” he cautioned. He pushed my hair back off my shoulder and pressed his lips to the hollow beneath my ear. I gasped at the contact. “Be patient. Let’s eat dinner, and then we have all the time in the world.”

Tags: Aurelia Knight Romance