Page 22 of Maybe Hiring

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“Then get started on them.” I smiled brightly. She ignored the gesture and went to wheel the massive bin out from under the slot. That would take her a while. I hoped she would be over the shock by the time she finished, and on to trying to achieve a positive working relationship with me.

The next volunteer, Sean, came in an hour later. He was an attractive guy with dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes. He walked up to the desk with a flirtatious smile on his face. “Hey, are you new here? I’ll show you around.”

I laughed internally at his flirting. “I am new, but I’m already well acquainted. My name is Claire and I’m the new librarian.”

“What happened to Eileen?” He gave me the same dubious expression Emma did, and it took every bit of my strength not to sigh in annoyance.

“She quit.” I didn’t bother with the full explanation, and from the look he gave me I was certain he didn’t want to hear it. He went to the back of the library where Gavin said the teens like to have sex, and I got started on my first project of the day, calling all employees and volunteers and verifying their available days. Caring about people, even if none of them liked me, came naturally to me. I wanted them to each have a schedule that worked. It didn’t help them or the library to force people into hours they didn’t want.

None of the conversations I had were pleasant. Several people I called stopped volunteering for the library months ago and were still on the list. It surprised me to find that even those who didn’t work here anymore were standoffish about me replacing Eileen. They loved her.

I learned to expect distrustful and irritated responses, but the outright anger I encountered shocked me. Two volunteers told me to go fuck myself. They wouldn’t work with anyone but Eileen. As I picked up the phone to call another, I wished I could grant their wish and fuck myself, instead of calling the next member of the Eileen fan club. At least that would be enjoyable for me.

The morning went quickly despite the drama, and at lunch, I texted Mason that I could meet him after all. He responded with the name of an expensive French restaurant downtown and the number seven. That jolt of anticipation and lust was enough to get me through the day. The cheerful smile remained on my face, much to the annoyance of the people pointing glares in my direction.

Eileen arrived around three. Emma and Sean both ran to her, meeting her in the wide atrium. I couldn’t hear what they said but saw them wrap her in tight hugs and shoot me withering stares. She waved her hands, a smile on her face like the whole thing was no big deal and sent them back to work. She came up to the circulation desk, and the pitying look she gave me surprised me. “Are you the new librarian?”

“Hi, Eileen? I’m Claire.” I held my hand out to her, and she shook it. We walked to the office in silence. “I have a few boxes for you. I didn’t want to pack your stuff up for you in case I missed anything. So, I’ll leave you to it.” I shifted toward the exit.

“Claire, wait a moment.” Her voice was soft and sweet with a warm, motherly note, when she wasn’t yelling at Gavin. I stopped with my hand on the doorknob. “My staff loved me, and I’m sure they will not give you an easy time, but I wanted you to know I hold no ill will about being replaced. I quit, and this place cannot run itself.”

I smiled at her, uncertain what to say, but grateful for the words anyway. “Thanks, Eileen. I have big shoes to fill and I hope I can do the library justice.”

She nodded her head as she placed her possessions into the boxes. “I do too, but you seem like a nice person, and a lot of this job is dealing with people.” She rifled through the drawers, taking her belongings and placing some papers on the desk. “These should help you.” I wasn’t sure what they said, but I assumed it was more specific details about how she ran things. “One more thing.” She met my eyes with fear in her own. “Be careful, Claire, there’s more to Gavin Wolfe than there seems.”

“What do you mean?” I hoped I hadn’t gotten myself into another situation like the one with Tyler.

Her gaze flicked around the room like she thought someone might be listening. “Take the warning for what it is. You’re young, be careful.”

“I will.” I assured her and then left her to pack.What on earth was that about?The rest of the day passed in a blur, and by the time six o’clock came, I was all too ready to leave and finally see Mason. I set the alarm, turned the key in the lock and walked home, shocked I had that much power. My first day going well overall filled me with pride, but the warning Eileen gave and Gavin’s odd reaction to the basement spun in the back of my mind, tainting my joy.

I went inside, took a quick shower, and blow-dried my hair. Every inch of my body was impeccably shaved and smooth as silk. I pulled on a tight, black dress that hugged my curves and slipped on a matching pair of pumps, the color setting off my olive skin. I did my makeup and piled my hair on top of my head with artful tendrils decorating my face and neck.

I ran to the bus, and when I got on, the driver looked at me with blatant appreciation; I hoped Mason would share the sentiment. Ignoring all the eyes on me, I found a seat. I enjoyed looking good, but only one man’s attention mattered to me. I slid my hands over my arms. A light unseasonal chill hung in the air. It was too cool for the AC, but the driver had a sweaty look to him and the rest of us had to suffer.

The bus stopped a few blocks from the restaurant. The walk was short, and I took the time to settle the riotous anticipation coursing through me. Fresh air would do me some good before I came face to face with the object of my obsession.

He stood outside, waiting for me. The red awning hung above him, casting him in shadows. The sight of him stopped me in my tracks. His tall form leaned against the brick wall, his foot propped up behind him. Even without me sitting on my ass beneath him, he would tower over me. The image of me on my knees in front of him popped into my head.

His well-fitted suit accented his broad shoulders, strong but not bulky, agile, and delicious. I couldn’t see his soft green eyes from here, but I imagined I could. He checked his watch. He was so perfect, something painful twisted in my chest. His sculpted features appeared smoky and mysterious, lit up by the street lamps and the failing sun. His beauty was too much, leaving me with the distinct impression I could touch it for some time but never keep it.

I forced myself to walk toward him. The last thing I wanted to do was keep him waiting. I wanted to serve him. The thought frightened me, but I couldn’t deny the truth. I stood thirty feet away when he noticed me. First, surprise lit his features, but as he gazed at me, low burning heat took its place. A touch of mischief flirted with me, and I hoped more than anything he would reveal the naughty mysteries he kept. My neck and cheeks flooded with color.

I stopped in front of him, and his face settled into a polite expression. “Claire.” My name on his lips did something to my blood, electrified my pulse in a way that couldn’t be compatible with life. That’s why I couldn’t breathe. I would die right here at his feet.

He grabbed my hand before my body swayed and his touch anchored me. “You look amazing.” The words sounded polite, but beneath them lay a deep dark well of promise. I wanted to splash around, become trapped where only he could pull me back up. He kissed the hand he held, and my skin sizzled like a sunburn without pain.

“Thank you.” I leaned in to him as his lips brushed my cheek in greeting. The smell of him overwhelmed me, a subtle hint of expensive cologne and clean masculine divinity. I put my arms around him, completely senseless from the effect he had on me.

At the last possible second, I regained my composure and pretended I was giving him a friendly hug. He hugged me back, the tip of his nose skimmed my neck, and a low chuckle vibrated within his chest. He must have recognized the wild lust raging in my eyes. His arms held me for a long moment, before stepping back and taking my hand in his.

Tags: Aurelia Knight Romance