Page 7 of Mine to Hold

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“So, what will it be? My soldiers or the police?”

“I’m not hiding anything,” I retorted.

“Choose one or the other, Mila, or else I will choose for you,” he countered.

“I’d rather be searched by the police,” I blurted, not even trying to hide my irritation at being treated like nothing more than property. I didn’t care if he took me down to the police station. At least there I probably wouldn’t end up dead and I wasn’t entirely sure that within the realm of possibilities here.

“I thought as much,” he replied, and he raised his hand, signaling something to the two men guarding the door behind me. I didn’t look back, but I heard the door open and shut. Several more boots scuffed against the floor, joining us here in the office. Jon took another sip of his whiskey, his gaze running down my bare legs. Despite being entirely clothed, the way he looked at me made me feel very naked.

“What do you need, boss?” a man echoed behind me, and I turned to see that two burly police officers had joined us.

“I thought you were going to take me to the cops?” I asked, unable to keep the trembling panic from my voice. One of the officers grabbed my arm gently and I jerked it away, startled.

“Don’t you dare touch me,” I shrieked.

Jon chuckled. “These cops answer to me, Mila,” he replied curtly.

I blew out a shallow, shaky breath. Of course, he’d bought off the police. The Montagna family had been around for a long time. Their reach went far and wide, including the government and police forces, probably even the military too.

I should have done more research before I decided to take this job.

“Hands over your head, Miss Everson,” the bigger guy next to me directed. I turned my head, taking in the hardened lines of his face and the official uniform that carried with it a certain expectation. I’d never had a run-in with the cops like this before and I didn’t know what to do, especially considering that these two were working with the criminals that had kidnapped me in the first place.

“You can’t do this. Release me at once,” I demanded daringly.

“You’re not going anywhere, Mila. You stole from the Montagna family, and that needs to be dealt with,” Jon explained, the finality in his tone more than I could bear. My lower lip quivered, and I hummed nervously.

“I didn’t do anything,” I lied again. Jon’s dark brown eyes hardened once more, and I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed with a certain air of finality.

“Proceed with the search,” Jon directed, but he wasn’t talking to me this time. I looked to the cop, trying to beg for his mercy even though I knew he was dirty and the likelihood that he would help me was pretty much slim to none, but I needed to try anyway.

The cop gently took one of my wrists in his hand and raised it over my head. The other cop lifted the other and someone behind me pulled my nightshirt up and over my head.

I wasn’t wearing a bra.

Quickly, I used my arms to cover my breasts, wanting to hide the way my nipples were hardening in the chilled room. The cops grabbed my arms and forced them behind my back. I tried to twist away, but a pair of metal cuffs clasped around my wrists before I could stop them.


A whimper escaped my throat. One of the officers grasped my upper arm and practically dragged me over to the desk.

“Bend over,” he commanded.

“Wait. What?” I whispered. “You can’t mean to…”

“You will either bend over the desk, or I will subdue you by force,” the cop threatened. There wasn’t any room for negotiation, I understood that now.

I whimpered fearfully, trying to pull away from him. He didn’t let go.

My situation was quickly becoming more dire by the second.

“This will be far easier for you if you cooperate,” Jon offered, and I sneered in his direction as the cop grabbed me more roughly this time. A big meaty hand pushed hard against my back, flattening my bare breasts against the cool wooden surface of the desk. The cop went to grasp my underwear and I yelled out in alarm.

“I don’t know anything!” I shrieked.

“Wait,” Jon said, and the cop paused immediately. He didn’t let up the pressure on my back though and no matter what I did, I couldn’t find the leverage to lift myself off of the desk.

I lifted my head, watching as Jon stood up from his chair and very slowly walked over to me.

Tags: Sara Fields Romance