Page 19 of Trick or Eat

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I sigh at how stupid I was. “All I had to offer you was me. But, baby,” I click another button on the remote to light up the stacked pumpkins, “I’ll bust my ass to give you everything you could ever want. I was a fool not to tell you about the permits, but I was fucking terrified it would look just like it ended up looking. I don’t care about the permits or the build or any other fucking thing besides you. I won’t lie to you again,” I take the steps towards her, my chest tight as her eyes focus on the pumpkins.

Stacked up next to the pumpkins we carved together, it could be just another decoration.Could be, but it's not—it's much, much more. I never took a risk before with anyone else and I know she never really did either. Now I know it’s because no one else was going to be enough for either of us. I know it’s sudden and I know it’s scary, but I also know it’s true—and that’s why I carved the new pumpkins.

I love her. I'm in love with her and the pumpkins spell it out in a carving with a flickering glow lighting the truth up.

I love her and I shouldn’t need a grand gesture to tell her that. I should have told her the minute I knew it, but I thought it was too soon or too much. Maybe it is. Maybe I got it all wrong because she stares at the pumpkins with theI-heart-Ucarved into them, silent.

“Tell me you got candy, Keegan,” she finally sighs, her eyes swinging to me as her mouth twitches a little, “because we will be the hottest house on the block this weekend. I hope you got the goods to back up your work here, honey,” she chuckles softly, but I see the emotion sparking in her eyes, even in the darkness.

“Oh, I got candy, baby,” my voice is tight with emotion as I cross the distance between us, “I came prepared. Brought Halloween oneandtwo with me. Ready for Halloween, baby?”

“I am, honey,” she lets me draw her closer, head tipping back, eyes meeting mine, “I'm so ready. And so sorry. Sorry I refused to listen before. I don’t really care about the permits—who wins doesn’t matter. I just.... I got scared and angry but, I love you, Keegan...”

Crashing my mouth to hers, I taste her words and how true they are. Kady clutches at me, kissing me back, soothing the ache I’ve felt since I walked away. Boomhauer lets out a howl and we break apart, laughing.

“I love you.” I touch my nose to hers, whispering against her mouth, “I loved you so I should have told you the truth. I'm so sorry. You trusted me and I....” I trail off as she raises up to kiss me, taking my breath away the way only she can.

“Itrustyou,” she corrects, licking at my mouth with a sexy sound, “I love you so I should have listened. I earned your honesty, but you also earned my trust. We can’t just throw it away so easy again. I did this and I'm sorry, but I was scared—I never wanted anything like I want this with you. We don’t know what we’re doing, but there’s no one else I rather be doing it with, Keegan. Now....trick or eat?” she teases me, waggling her brows.

Christ, I love her. There is no one else I’d rather be doing this with either. We might screw up some more—probably me more than her—but now I know we’re in this. I will be here for Halloween and next month for Thanksgiving and the month after that for Christmas. We are in this together and even as scary as it is, it’s worth it.

Much later we will talk about her plans for Bite—and how Oliver and I will help with her expansion. We will talk about me moving in with her and sticking here for the long haul. And making room here for Boomhauer. And, we will talk about her maybe taking my last name and making room for even more.

Right now I only want to talk about one thing.

“Oh, baby, I like all your tricks but tonight, I chooseeat.”

Tags: Dee Ellis Romance