Page 1 of Daddy Fly Boy

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Chapter One


There is no feeling in this world like this.

Nothing else I have ever experienced even comes close. Not getting laid for the first time by the hottest girl in Duke County. Not even getting wasted with my best friends on our trip to Mexico. Or that bare knuckle fight in front of a drunken crowd that won me out tickets back home.

Nothing feels like this, and I know nothing ever will.

Banking left, I welcome the head rush and the adrenaline spike that blitzes my senses. All I can see is patches of land and blue skies and I feel as free as a fucking eagle. The force of it weighs my body down but my mind is soaring. When I see my wingman, Gator, wave a one fingered salute at me, I laugh and pull my mask back on.

“Try to keep up brother,” I call into the radio, “no hanging back to witness greatness. You can witness me any time,” I mock cockily, laughing as I dive, and he curses as he tries to keep up.

“We have routes to run, Bird,” he chastises me once he does catch up beside me, “enough showing off for today, yeah?”

Sighing, I nod and give him a ten-four over the radio. I had my fun for the morning, I suppose. On our routine run along the perimeter of our territory, we check for any signs of something out of the ordinary. We are the line of defense between the air and the ground. With things so tense since the new Russia event we cannot count being up here as a having a good time.

Being a Naval fighter pilotisa good time for me though.

When I enlisted eight years ago, I just wanted to escape Silver Shores, the tiny town I grew up in. I had lost my mother and life at home was miserable, so I wanted out.Did nothelp that the first girl I ever cared about stomped on my heart when I laid it at her feet. Getting out of there was the only way to safe myself from turning into my father—a man I hated.

Joining up was the best choice I ever made. After being toldallmy life that I was worthless, I learned otherwise. I am a damn good pilot--I belong in a Super Hornet. During training, I struggled a bit with taking orders, but I never had a hard time once I got in a cockpit. When they put me up in the skies, I knew I had found my calling.

“Bird, come back,” a crackling voice calls over the radio, “Captain wants to see you and Gator on the ground. Over.”

“Heading back now, over,” I radio back, tossing a nod at Gator so we can finish our check before we turn to head back.

Being up here clears my head and centers me like nothing else ever has. People call me cocky, andIam when I am in the cockpit. It is the first thing I ever felt good about, the very first thing I knew I was better at than most people. It comes naturally to me to control these plans and handle the limits we can take them to.

Down on the ground I may have a cocky swagger but down thereit isall bullshit. Besides Gator and a few of the guys, I have no one in my life because I choose not to. My mother was gone before I could find out how to treat a woman and all my father showed me was how he abused them. I stay away from women because I am afraid to turn out just like him.

Women are a mystery to me. Not sure if I have a type or want to even risk taking a chance trying to find out. I tried it once before and it blew up in my face. One failure was enough for me. Now I am just the life of the party—good enough for a good time but never to be taken seriously.

Pushing the throttle, I laugh when I leave Gator several clicks behind me. I push the F18 as hard as she can go, banking up then dropping down when I see the base in the distance. Not wanting to get another rip for flying by the tower, I slow down with enough distance to let me land. By the time Gator lands, I am out of my Hornet and waiting for him.

“Thought you said no more showing off today,” he accuses with a glare.

“Is it showing off if I am barely breaking a sweat?” I taunt, sliding on my shades as I toss an arm around his neck.

Gator—his call name, his mamawas notan asshole—rolls his eyes but he loves me. We became partners when we first started flying and make an awesome team up there. He is steady, serious, and the smartest person I have ever met. Whenever I am too aggressive or cocky, he puts me in my place and drags me back down to earth.

“With you, Parker, it isalwaysshowing off. Showing off in the air, showing off for the commander, showing off for the ladies at Hideout,” he ticks off dryly and I shove him, shaking my head at him.

“Can’tshowyouup, Bennie, you know better. Do I show off for the commander? Damn right I do, got to keep the boss happy. As for the ladies at Hideout,” I say with a smirk, shrugging my shoulders, “nothing wrong with keeping them happy too. Put on a little razzle dazzle every now and again.”

“Jesus listen to you,” he snorts with a laugh, shaking his head.

“Hey, we all like to look at pretty things,” I joke, pausing in front of headquarters to playfully check myself out in the tinted doors, “nothing wrong with that, is there?” As I fuss with my mussed hair, the doors swing open, and I stumble backwards to miss getting bowled over completely.

Tearing off my shades, I have a hot retort on the tip of my tongue for whatever asshole is on the other side of that door. A retort that dies a quick death when I see it is not one of the flight crew. Not only from the flight crew but not anyone from admin or the office.

Hell,notof the same earth I exist on.

Sunshine highlights the glossy amber waves tumbling down her shoulders in a cascade of curls. Immediately I want to sink my fingers into it and smell the shampoo she uses. Stunning blue eyes narrow on me before they pop wide, as if she is feeling like I am. Seeing a creature she does not understand. Her creamy skin is fair and freckled across the nose and her pouty lips are a deep red. Thoughts of those lips staining my skin or wrapped around me while she kneels before sock me like a punch to the gut.

With curves thatI'mnot sure I could navigate even in my Hornet; she is a goddamn knockout. Long, thick legs peak at me from a slit in the sexy dress she wears.Polka dots.It tucks in at her waist, showing off her shape. I want to get my hands beneath that dress and see if she is as soft as she looks.

It is those eyes that draw me in, though. Kind and warm, they make me forget that we are not standing here alone. I could not tell you who else is there with us. All I know for sure is she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and I am already obsessed with her. I want to see her smile, I want to hear her laugh, I want her to look at me the way she is right now, forever.

Tags: Dee Ellis Erotic